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Everything posted by ATXbronco

  1. My alcohol and my heart are ready for a comeback
  2. Just remember one thing, guys. Texas A&M lost tonight.
  3. That Kent ball went up, bounced off the moon and came back down for a basket
  4. How did that go in for Kent!!?
  5. IDK, random pretty girl in the stands IDK, random pretty girl in the stands
  6. Coach remembered to tell them that we need to win the game tonight, right?
  7. lmao at that back-at-you pass from SoCar
  8. https://www.cbssports.com/college-basketball/news/bill-self-seriously-considered-leaving-kansas-for-alma-mater-oklahoma-state-in-2024-per-report/ "Kansas coach Bill Self "seriously considered" taking the Oklahoma State job this past offseason, according to the Tulsa World's Berry Tramel. Self is an Oklahoma native who played for the Cowboys in the 1980s and later worked as an assistant there before holding his first two head coaching positions in the state at Oral Roberts and Tulsa. The Cowboys were seeking a replacement for fired coach Mike Boynton and ultimately settled on Western Kentucky's Steve Lutz after Self opted to remain with the Jayhawks. However, Lutz's hiring only came after Oklahoma State put a "hard sell" on Self. "Multiple Cowboy sources said OSU took a swing at Self, and Cowboy decision-makers grew increasingly confident that Self was impressed with the organization of the plan his alma mater had produced and was intrigued at the package, complete with competitive salary and budget to pay players in this new professional age of college basketball," the report read. Asked about the report, Self on Friday said "I spoke to them, answered questions about the job and offered my opinion about what is needed to win in our league, which I have done every time the job has opened. "
  9. He's looked that way almost non-stop since being traded. He'll flash a smile once in awhile, that quickly gives way to a luka-warm smile.
  10. I'm fascinated when someone actually tries to comprehend something that's been posted. I never experience this at work, when I send emails.
  11. Top comments so far? @TimmyPruitt166 Don't pay him more money let him leave thats money we need to get better players the one's that wins the games. Rich Rod didn't want him anyway he was a good recruiter for a 500 team and most the 4 star kids he brought in done left or is way overrated and hasn't done much anyways. We can get a young upcoming black position coach for less money that wants to be here and have even more money for players. @Goeers206 Hopefully, he stays. With the momentum we have as far as our staff is going, maybe he is going to want to stick it out and see how far the mountaineers could climb. If he didn't leave to go to PSU, hopefully he wont leave to go to Texas.
  12. There are shockingly few good pictures found when Googling "Mountain Mama". https://www.google.com/search?sca_esv=7833c6f0638101e1&q="mountain+mama"&udm=2&fbs=ABzOT_CWdhQLP1FcmU5B0fn3xuWpA-dk4wpBWOGsoR7DG5zJBtmuEdhfywyzhendkLDnhcoz2MIB1dVLatL09WpR-ccvhOHyn6-xpHTAmrLtlwjyJus-9JOqkSZ98t0Ob6qO-juiCvV0T0wfSeATL5s-eRKZl7vMpyQr_8nN-RVQhgZmLwY3Y80aoYUxFICiEpyuiRebuT3eELr65LWmfuzeJubAKQVgIA&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwiY2viAnNGLAxV46skDHTYeECUQtKgLegQIDxAB&biw=1920&bih=919&dpr=2#vhid=q1OTH56xTYPqfM&vssid=mosaic But you do get a few "interesting" results when you add the word "Nude" to the search string. https://www.google.com/search?q="mountain mama" nude&sca_esv=7833c6f0638101e1&udm=2&biw=1920&bih=919&ei=VpW2Z9CyFeSQp84PvajE0AU&uact=5&oq="mountain mama" nude&gs_lp=EgNpbWciFCJtb3VudGFpbiBtYW1hIiBudWRlSK8OULkDWPYMcAF4AJABAJgBXKABzwKqAQE1uAEDyAEA-AEBmAIDoAKmAcICBhAAGAcYHsICBRAAGIAEwgIKEAAYgAQYQxiKBcICBBAAGB7CAgYQABgIGB6YAwCIBgGSBwEzoAeKDg&sclient=img&no_sw_cr=1&zx=1740019075414&sssc=1 You may not want to Un-Blur the second results though?
  13. https://wvusports.com/sports/football/roster/coaches/chad-scott/3916#:~:text=Scott spent time in the,who played basketball at Kentucky.
  14. Welcome, likely new coach and fam. "Scott spent time in the National Football League with the Cleveland Browns and Pittsburgh Steelers before returning to his alma mater in 2006 as a graduate assistant video analyst. He graduated from UNC in 2004 with a degree in sociology. He is married to the former Shambrica Jones, who played basketball at Kentucky." The daughter will be a Lady Longhorn in _ years!
  15. I always get the two mixed up. It's the K's, Man. I was thinking more of the lines of Texas being able to money whip him and pay the buyout if they were so inclined.
  16. 62 y/o and he may be getting tired of Kentucky • If KU terminates Self without cause, it will owe him a buyout of $23,100,000 plus any pending payments still due to him. • If Self were to voluntarily leave Kansas prior to March 31, 2026, for another power-conference school or recent Final Four participant, he would owe $5 million; if before March 31, 2027, he would owe $4 million; any later and he would owe $3 million. If he left for the NBA, he would owe $3 million before March 31, 2026; any later and he would owe $1.5 million. All these payments would be reduced by 50% if Goff is no longer the athletic director at the time of his departure. https://www.espn.com/mens-college-basketball/story/_/id/43914289/no-23-kansas-loses-again-falls-34-unranked-byu
  17. They've had matching opponents for a couple weeks or so now.
  18. Whatever happens this year or next, the times of going a decade without winning is over.
  19. Step #1 to winning all of our remaining games and equaling last years win total, is complete!
  20. A bunch of those are Porn Names for real
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