Per AI: "Fort Worth Central Station is located at 1001 Jones St, Fort Worth, TX 76102"
Uber price reflects 10PM pricing on a Wednesday
So, $20 from Austin to Ft. Worth
$20-$40 including tip from Ft. Worth train station to AT&T stadium (depending on surge pricing)
$20-$40 including tip from AT&T stadium back to Ft. Worth train station (depending on surge pricing)
$20 from Ft. Worth train station to Austin.
$80-$120 round trip via Amtrak & Uber
$150 for nose bleed ticket
$120 for beers and a dog for one person during the game
$80 for tailgate ticket
$100 for urinating in public ticket because you couldn't wait and thought it would be funny
Total cost for one person = $570