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Everything posted by ATXbronco

  1. arghhhu ugh
  2. So much miscommunication this game. Ewers not looking happy.
  3. Damn, Wisner got hit hard from behind there. Hope he's okay. Bring out the Blue for a little while.
  4. We're gonna eventually need an end-of-year poll asking which side of the ball was better for Longhorns this year. But I suspect it'll be Defense FTW!
  5. Great D* Longhorns!
  6. Le Foul
  7. I'm noticing sexual tension between Elko and Holly Rowe
  8. Quinn, Quinn, quinn... You need to have a talk with Jaydon Blue
  9. Wisner has nice instincts
  10. Anyone who requires a player down timeout should have to stay out for X amount of snaps after that
  11. Would be 20/25 if it weren't for whatever was going on in the first quarter where nobody was on the same page
  12. Indiana is pissed Washington isn't doing anybody any favors IDK, Iowa leads Kansas who cares UNLV for the win
  13. That fucker runs a straight line
  14. They did not listen and they wished they had
  15. Damn, Banks in walking boot. Hope he's okay for next week.
  16. I laugh, hearing all these A&M player names who either chose A&M over us in recruiting, or more often, Texas said "no" and recruited over them.
  17. Texas must be on a roll
  18. "you call that a hit"
  19. It'll be first round after we win the SEC & NCAA championship
  20. I guess I-can't-Reed's foot didn't hurt that much
  21. Guaranteed first round money?
  22. That poor girl on the stilts has no legs
  23. It is crazy they are paying a coach more to go away than we are paying ours to stay!
  24. Damn, I bet that thumb goes waay far up her boyfriends pooter hole
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