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Everything posted by ATXbronco

  1. If LSU wins, I'm taking my dogs for a long drunk walk even with a torn calf muscle
  2. Close enough for my tired eyes
  3. FYI, 85dB is reference THX levels
  4. Hot Yoga?!? I can barely do lukewarm Yoga. I'd make an effort though
  5. Weird lineup - reminds me a little of volleyball
  6. They put shiny SEC logos on the black unis
  7. Both at the same time
  8. Someone start the A&M LSU thread
  9. FSU going to lose again Heading to the A&M game thread if there is one
  10. Goal posts were saved today, folks
  11. So, it's up to Special Teams to hold onto the win
  12. Hah, converted 3rd and TWENTY and our guy was wide open
  13. It's either done by ESPN+ or copying them with their non-stop rerun of the same five seconds of commercial. Trying to brain wash us!
  14. Second interception this year for Taffe? Get it! n/m they just said it was his first
  15. Pretty throw & great TD
  16. YASSS two points! 17/14 Nebraska Even after re-calling that same failed jump for the TD play
  17. Better go for 2 Nebraska *if they get a TD on the next try <which they just did>
  18. This guy apparently calls the O* plays for Nebraska https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Marcus_Satterfield
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