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Everything posted by ATXbronco

  1. Admit it, you only tuned in because Arizona cheerleaders
  2. Tech wants to make this a game Down just four with 5 minutes to go
  3. You get used to it but you never stop hating it. Reminds me of New Jersey Nets court.
  4. Here she is, giving me instructions, just before sexy time
  5. Looks like we get to keep Chendall Weaver for another year or more. I know some of you may not like him but I love his energy. You know it's got to be a positive affect on his teammates. https://247sports.com/player/chendall-weaver-46131629/
  6. That was a classic game. With a possible asterisk!
  7. Holy shit, we're gonna win!
  8. A&M shoulda lobbed the shit out of that two seconds to go
  9. How hard is it to just drive to the basket and collect a foul
  10. There was a funny interview yesterday with RT where, I forget the context but one of the guys, who clearly didn't know Rodney's voice is "normal" for him, told Rodney that he could "wish for a fix for his voice".
  11. We've got more good wins than the rest of these bubble turds. But then we've also got more bad losses. hah
  12. Not sure what it was last year but we did raise their head count by two (UT & OU) this year.
  13. Actually, I've decided that Oklahoma losing tonight will bump us up to Last-Four. Book it! Just gotta hope the selection committee agrees with Lunardi, or favors TX more than he does.
  14. So, Oklahoma winning or losing tonight has no affect on our first-four status, right? We would need North Carolina to lose tomorrow against Wake Forrest? Assuming we get past A&M.
  15. I hope they're paying Spike Lee royalties for his Image and Likeness (IL).
  16. https://www.betmassachusetts.com/info/next-nba-coach-fired
  17. He'd get another year for sure Unless they already told him behind closed doors that he needs to find another job.
  18. Geez, even the "major" pages are in on it now too https://l.facebook.com/l.php?u=https%3A%2F%2Ftrib.al%2FXVM4qHk%3Ffbclid%3DIwZXh0bgNhZW0CMTEAAR31kxgwcEzk43bsRdeZ58rPz3kUa3L7WbjX5fGNeviqeZNjEcCap22t-tQ_aem_-by5qUYeHEWg3Ns1YBcgXw&h=AT3haqSsP93TGMn1vtP3u9meBTPLOw0a7C_y-F3iTkmCA44YwQmaNiCk6rd5joylHGcPDniGj83jBbE0vVlnXKx3nAP3Jlj7bwA1fjl39BTtnQ5_rV0-b7Agtue4MgbyFfnq&__tn__=%2CmH-R&c[0]=AT3EH9M5-4uzFrFm-AbHleNtZ986qyBV_X6acydWb4-XwjETYlRpy3YSfADao2pCfTpEaKO2oy3wW99chqMs7cKAkWW66TgonfUXoIQUCt2C7ikBX9mIsHC-YR9WtDhHvok2jpZR6J0ZcV6Xj8ekzRmogHsBjIajqM2a-DHAQQ5-OAD40Mm4BBAJffjI6D5LWOc6_Ckh-aYzdUeAVmB2DqUrTEEIrW8jrv16fU-UR2XHzSROA8uOTut9
  19. he took us to the Elite 8 his first year The 32 his second year. So, he's only wasted one year, pal. Unless you think 32 is beneath us. Yeah I know we are willing to pay for final four but the 32 is cool too. *on an off year
  20. Shaka was 20X worse. Shaka was a successful coach who had already been deep into the tourney more than once. He was EXPECTED to take us all the way. So, it hurt more when he was never able to get out of the first round. While Rodney was a .500 coach (would have been higher if it weren't for health issues his final year at UT-BFE) who was overachieving to get hired.
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