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Lou Sassle

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Everything posted by Lou Sassle

  1. I'm not defending anyone. I'm saying all you dumb fuck bashing ALL REPUBS over the actions of a few hundred are just as bad as the dumb fucks on the other side that bash all dems over the actions of a few hundred. I'm saying both parties are two sides of the same coin and the common man is too stupid to realize it.
  2. Ah yes, that's so much better than literally burning cities to the ground as cnn calls it a "mostly peaceful protest". Both parties have their fucking whack jobs.
  3. I can't wait until all you crying ass 18-29 year olds on this thread get older and realize that NOTHING IS EVER GOING TO FUCKING CHANGE! This political pitting each other again each other is the norm. Its been going on for as long as there has been politics. BOTH PARTIES ARE TWO SIDES OF THE SAME "FUCK ALL THE NORMAL PEOPLE" COIN!
  5. Hahahahahahahahaha! Thanks for proving the meme!
  6. All y'all repubs and dems be fucking crazy. "Hey! Let's lump 80 million people into a group (either "commie" or "nazi/fascist") just because a few whack jobs from the other stupid party did something stupid! "
  7. Hahahaha! Why yall getting so salty? This applies to both parties. Y'all (repubs and dems) are both equally fucking nuts these days. P.s. I see that instead of refuting me everyone is just giving me the 🖕. Truth hurts doesn't it?
  8. And that Charlie brewer is a legacy
  9. She's ok... but she's no "urban or bust" thread mascot, Helga Lovekaty.....
  10. How dare you, sir!? That man is a national fucking treasure!
  11. My sister can do that.... its creepy AF
  12. Not to be confused with the more he did with Rutgers less O-line
  13. Hire him as Carrington's assistant and get him rolling on cruitin.
  14. Fisterman still thinks we have a shot at the brocks.
  15. Wait....who's Dunn?
  16. Yeah, I edited my post. It was supposed to say the *lighting* may not show it well...
  17. The whiskey was in my hand
  18. Just finished painting my dining room yesterday in honor of the new era at Texas! (The lighting might not show it well, but its burnt orange)
  19. That's what my mom always told me too
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