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Everything posted by Gidnik

  1. Someone following the jury bus this morning. Judge should declare an immediate mistrial with prejudice. This is clear jury intimidation.
  2. Someone following the jury bus this morning. Judge should declare an immediate mistrial with prejudice. This is clear jury intimidation.
  3. He didn’t bring a gun across state lines that was debunked last year. He lived closer than the guy shot in the arm. Kyle worked in Kenosha, his father lived there. He had more business in Kenosha than the guy shot in the arm.
  4. He was a felon and he chased down the kid on trial. He was only shot after he pointed the gun he brought at the kid. According to his own testimony.
  5. So what about the one guy that he shot? That guy brought a gun to a BLM protest and pointed it at the kid. However the other kid didn’t shoot him until he pointed his gun at the other kid. By his own testimony. Where do you stand on that?
  6. What does justice mean for you? Not trolling genuinely curious
  7. Remember this fall when we were hearing that the defense was killing the offense? I remember.
  8. I’ve been watching the entire case. The thing that really stood out to me was how absolutely inept the prosecution has been. Questioning the defendant about his choice to silent should have resulted in a mistrial with prejudice. And then Putting your star witness on the stand and having him say under oath to the defense attorneys that he wasn’t shot until he pointed his gun at the defendant to me really sealed the case where I don’t think he will be convicted of any charge.
  9. I forget who said it one of the founding fathers stated it was better that 500 guilty men went free than one innocent man imprisoned e: Ben Franklin. And it was 100.
  10. I’ve never seen a more clear cut case of self defense. The witness clearly stated that he pointed a gun directly at the kid before he had his arm vaporized. that said, this prosecutor is the biggest clown shoe I have ever seen.
  11. No. Patterson made that call.
  12. I tell myself I don’t care, but I do.
  13. It hurts my heart for us to be this bad. I e been a longhorn fan since before I was born. My parents drove to walter reed army medical center for my birth in a burnt orange and white Ford maverick with a hook’em license plate. With that said I’ve tried to be indifferent and I just can’t. It seems like we’re always a play away from getting over the hump and nobody makes that play. It’s infuriating
  14. Whoever it ends up being I don’t want any more west coast coaches and no more players coaches. I want a disciplinarian.
  15. in no order Pat Fitzgerald Luke fickell lane kiffin Kyle wittingham james franklin Brian Kelly
  16. well, his seat is white hot right now. he may not want to stick around much longer. were going to find out a lot about the whole team and staff pretty quick.
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