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Everything posted by Gidnik

  1. So sick of struggling against these shit teams
  2. Was afraid overshown was gonna get called for targeting
  3. Giving the ball to Bijan is a good idea? Who would have ever thought it.
  4. Of course on 3rd and 2 we take our best player off the field
  5. Come on Hudson run the fucking ball there
  6. I like how RJ is protecting the QB and all the pussy ass bitch made line standing around watching
  7. I’m glad we have an offensive guru as a head coach
  8. They’re going to overturn that and give him the first down you watch
  9. we should cut every fucking one of our offensive and defensive linemen and just put the fattest people on campus on those lines. its basically what we have now.
  10. wait till we go to west virginia and baylor this year and theyre throwing batteries at us the whole game.
  11. he scored 10 in the second half with 7 on the second to last drive of the game. until that point against oklahoma he had less than 50 yards in offense the second half. he has proven in the last 2 weeks that he doesnt know how to finish. we cant run out the clock and we lose.
  12. looks like jimbo is about to get a bigger raise.
  13. so we put our defense out there for 23 fucking game minues so they were out there an hour and we expect them to not wear down?
  14. there nothing but fat women. id make every fucking one of them wear a dress in practice until they did something during a game to allow them to take them off.
  15. the last two weeks are 100% on the offense. when you cant run the clock you cant win. you cant put the defense on the field in the second half for 25 minutes and never make a fucking first down and expect the defense to hold up.
  16. hes been thoroughly out coached the last 2 weeks in the second half and i think its because hes a former player listening and reading how great he is. but he has puked down the front of his fucking shirt in the second half the last 2 weeks. Bijan had 5 touches in the second half on rushes. thats fucking brain dead. we are exactly who we were last year with fucking brain dead herman.
  17. our offensive guru coach cant get more than 100 yards in the second half. cant get 1 yard on 3 plays with the best rb in cfb. its absolutely inexcusable and indefensible.
  18. our offensive guru coach cant get more than 100 yards in the second half. cant get 1 yard on 3 plays with the best rb in cfb. its absolutely inexcusable and indefensible
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