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Everything posted by NorthTexasCougar

  1. Yeah, those won't be taking the place of cucumbers in the porn scene.
  2. It's a dicktater.
  3. Therapist said I needed to learn to love myself more....
  4. deleted, why can't we upload from our computers?
  5. "It comes with the territory, you buy the land you get the Indians." - David Lee Roth
  6. Sadly, this. He's shady as hell but he's the prime example of wealth placing an individual above the law and shielding from consequences.
  7. -14 (Rexburg, Idaho) 117 (Las Vegas, NV)
  8. in on 1st page
  9. The Saudis are even worse and more brutal. The Sunni's are the ones you have to worry about.
  10. It's all relative...
  11. Trump's nature has been clear all along, like being kicked in the nuts, while McConnel is like the tumor on one of your testicles, wreaking havoc more covertly.
  12. Aren't they already doing that with abortion clinics?
  13. Church sponsored all-boys camps?
  14. He's looking in the wrong window for a sweet peach.
  15. I'm reminded of that.... each time I get stomach cramps and nausea, leaving me to feel like I'm miscarrying Satan's child.
  16. She's baaaaaack. "The Bitch, the bitch, the bitch is back....." - The Queen of England (Elton John)
  17. What a small-minded, whiny little bitch.
  18. Yeah, what's this "day of rest" shit?
  19. I always get my popcorn ready for when these idiots get interviewed by the Brits. Not only do they not see things through the American right vs left lens, they are also not afraid to call a spade a spade and call them out on their shit.
  20. I had no idea. I just know my great-grandparents were Polish-speaking Jews from shtetls in Lithuania (great-grandfather) and Poland/Belarus (great-grandmother) who immigrated over to the states right before 1900 just like in Fiddler On The Roof and changed their name (whatever their previous last name was is my real last name).
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