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  1. When do we find out which conference the refs will be from? I like our chances with the ACC. If we get Big 12 refs then we'll have no shot unless we come out like we did 49-0 vs ou.
  2. Hard to think of in that quick of a moment, but I think Quinn could have thrown a pass instead of taking the safety. Ball never hit the ground. Should be treated like a flea flicker.
  3. NSIAP So - have we played anyone yet? Still have the weak schedule?
  4. I had a 1978 Datsun B210GX. Pretty sure I put in a shitty stereo back in the day with no problem.
  5. I've been in -22 in Colorado. Windshield of -41. Don't have to go to Alaska for it.
  6. So we play at 3pm on the 21st. That's my dad's birthday. He passed a few years ago so hopefully he can put in a good word upstairs. Saw the game is on TNT/Max? Next game vs ASU is on Jan 1st at noon on ESPN.
  7. Looks like shit in Tapa, if that's what you mean.
  8. Dammit. You fucking knew it was a running play and barely touched him.
  9. The hard part about winning in OT are the holding calls against us that will push us back to the 45.
  10. I think they were looking for Helm to release down the middle
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