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Everything posted by Modessit

  1. I'm sorry. Is bipartisan shitposting frowned upon?
  2. I hate dipping into CR waters. I cannot and will not speculate on the political leanings of this group of dirtbags (death penalty if everything is true), nor opine on any motivations for what they did, but if you think this violence against trans people is limited to far-right sickos... I'd suggest looking up Muhlaysia Booker, Tiffany Thomas, and LaKendra Andrews - all black transwomen who were murdered in Dallas. And I'm willing to bet not a single murderer voted Republican. Hate is not limited to just one side, and not all crime is politically motivated. Nor is violence against transpersons new with Donald Trump. And it won't go away when he's long gone. Sorry to interrupt your hate party.
  3. I'm guessing she was sick but unaware of how sick. She was his caregiver. She probably collapses in the bathroom and can't get up. He's too far gone with Alzheimers to respond if she tried calling for help. Dog is locked up. She can't get her phone, and dies on the bathroom floor. Meanwhile, he's wandering around the house unaware she's even missing. Doesn't know to feed himself. Probably isn't taking his heart medication that she made sure he took. He gets weak from no food and falls. Pacemaker is keeping him alive for a while but he finally dies, completely unaware of what is happening. Dog dies of dehydration or starves in the crate. Sad all around. This is probably a case where his fame worked against him. A normal person would probably have a nurse coming to check regularly. They didn't want his condition going public so they kept it too compartmentalized.
  4. Is it an "honor" if you have to pay to be in it?
  5. I think I told this story in the Dad's thread: When my son was about 4 (he's 11 now), I took him with me to pick up some BBQ. He was big into Paw Patrol at the time ("Chase is on the case!") so was excited to see some county sheriff's vehicles parked outside. We went inside and saw they were all seated at a table against the wall. As I went to order, I told him to go say "Hi". He eagerly went that direction as I placed my order. Suddenly, I heard them all laughing loudly. After I paid, I went over to see what was going on. They told me that, instead of saying "Hi", the first thing he said was, "The other day, my mom drove through a yellow light without slowing down and stopping."
  6. Sad - and weird - news. I created this gif a while ago, and still use it today for when my wife makes me wait too long for something.
  7. "OK. I'll see you when I see you."
  8. The original video is better. The guy in the white truck asked the woman why she was jumping out of her car and causing problems, then told her to get her ass home. Sounded like he knew her.
  9. My comments were more directed at those who were actively hoping that specific political figures were killed in the crash. I have no problems with people ridiculing statements about DEI possibly being a factor. That's worthy of ridicule. But actively wishing death on someone just because you dislike them politically is absurd and should never be tolerated. And yes, someone did specifically say they hoped a certain someone was on that helicopter.
  10. Yes, we should hear what govt officials have to say about it. But we shouldn't have to hear what you or anyone else has to say about govt officials in this thread except when directly commenting on their direct comments or actions in relation to this event. Spew your hate for either side in CR where it belongs.
  11. I saw a guy at the bus stop holding a bag of balloons. I asked him if I could buy one for my kid, and he said, "Sure. One dollar." I pulled out my wallet and asked if he could blow it up for me since I'm not really good at that. The guy agreed and blew up the balloon. He handed it to me and said, "That'll be two dollars." I said, "You told me it was only a dollar! Why are you charging me two dollars now?" The guy replied, "Inflation."
  12. Bob decides to throw a costume party and puts up signs in his neighborhood, inviting everyone. The party is going well when the doorbell rings. Bob answers it and finds a man standing there with a woman clinging to his back. The guy asks, "Is this the costume party?" Bob answers, "Yes, but why aren't you in a costume?" The guy says, "I am! I'm a snail." Bob looks him over and says, "Why do you have a woman on your back?" The guy says, "That's Michelle."
  13. A friend of mind was in that building, on that floor, in a meeting down the hall when that happened. Said there was a huge boom, the building shook, ceiling tiles were falling out onto them. I saw the smoke as I was driving to work and heard on the radio what had happened. Called him as he was heading down the stairs and out of the building. He was kind of in shock.
  14. Fixing old-school arcade games. Basically- if it was built in the 70s-90s and you could drop a quarter in it for some fun, I can probably fix it. And maybe shooting pool. Or I was. I've played in the national championships in Vegas a few times. Don't get to shoot much these days.
  15. Haven't been posting, but I blame that pitch back on 2nd down. You only do that if you're doing a half back pass and there were open receivers if he did. But 1st down in the 1yd line you just do 4 sneaks if you have to. Stupid.
  16. When do we find out which conference the refs will be from? I like our chances with the ACC. If we get Big 12 refs then we'll have no shot unless we come out like we did 49-0 vs ou.
  17. https://media4.giphy.com/media/4PT6v3PQKG6Yg/giphy.gif
  18. Hard to think of in that quick of a moment, but I think Quinn could have thrown a pass instead of taking the safety. Ball never hit the ground. Should be treated like a flea flicker.
  19. NSIAP So - have we played anyone yet? Still have the weak schedule?
  20. Clemson 13 Texas 31 Prop: 288
  21. I had a 1978 Datsun B210GX. Pretty sure I put in a shitty stereo back in the day with no problem.
  22. Which stage will she be on?
  23. I've been in -22 in Colorado. Windshield of -41. Don't have to go to Alaska for it.
  24. So we play at 3pm on the 21st. That's my dad's birthday. He passed a few years ago so hopefully he can put in a good word upstairs. Saw the game is on TNT/Max? Next game vs ASU is on Jan 1st at noon on ESPN.
  25. I'm sorry. What?
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