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Everything posted by Modessit

  1. I had a 1978 Datsun B210GX. Pretty sure I put in a shitty stereo back in the day with no problem.
  2. I've been in -22 in Colorado. Windshield of -41. Don't have to go to Alaska for it.
  3. So we play at 3pm on the 21st. That's my dad's birthday. He passed a few years ago so hopefully he can put in a good word upstairs. Saw the game is on TNT/Max? Next game vs ASU is on Jan 1st at noon on ESPN.
  4. Looks like shit in Tapa, if that's what you mean.
  5. Dammit. You fucking knew it was a running play and barely touched him.
  6. The hard part about winning in OT are the holding calls against us that will push us back to the 45.
  7. I think they were looking for Helm to release down the middle
  8. Uh-oh. We have a chance of tying or winning. Better get the refs back on script.
  9. It might work better without the clock stoppage.
  10. We get an injury timeout and we come out with a shitty run play.
  11. Nice pick. Too bad we couldn't run it back more. Would be nice to be in FG range already.
  12. He's trying to burn clock before scoring, instead of just realizing your behind and need to score.
  13. Of course they wait until under 3 minutes before calling a hold on them.
  14. They won't throw unless it's 3rd and long. Stuff the runs and call timeout
  15. With a backup punter, you should always be ready for a dropped snap or a slow kick. Have rushers watching until the kick happens. Should never be running back for blocking before making sure it's being kicked.
  16. I was worried about a fake punt earlier when we didn't even stay to watch the kick, but it was 4th and 25 then so they didn't do it.
  17. Refs: "Anything we can throw a late flag on? No? Dammit! Touchdown."
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