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Everything posted by Modessit

  1. 1. I don't sit around and think about dick shape and how it would be useful in sucking, but you do you. No kink shaming here. 2. You're looking at his thumb instead of asking who the fuck the Texas Aggies are. 3. Who the fuck are Rhonda and Frosty?
  2. She should fight it
  3. I was delivering in a more rural area of Austin the other day (think a neighborhood with a lot of manufactured housing). Not uncommon to see loose dogs in these areas - mostly chihuahuas and shepherd mixes. That day there were two loose pits or mixes running loose in the middle of the street. They started barking and growling and chasing my suv. I had a stop about 5 houses down. They chased and growled all the way there. I was about to toss the package out the window towards the house, but when I stopped that turned and went back up the street. I watched until they got about 4 houses away and then opened the door slowly. One of them turned to look at me but didn't give a shit now that I wasn't moving. I dropped off the package and got back in and left. But yes, I have tossed packages or left them outside gates because of loose dogs - not all of them pits. Had a black lab try to get through a metal gate once. Whole thing was rattling.
  4. 35 years ago you didn't go into downtown Denver at night. We were told not to wear our dress uniforms downtown because the Bloods would kill anyone in the wrong area in blue. A high school kid got shot and killed for wearing a red baseball cap while unknowingly riding a bike thru a Crips area.
  5. I'm not sure if it predated the latest version of the site, but I couldn't find a thread here relating to the Austin Bomber of 2018. But the Investigation Discovery show See No Evil did an episode tonight about it, including surveillance footage I hadn't seen before. If anyone cares to watch it. I was doing package delivery back then, too, and got pulled over at least 3 times checking to see who I was and why I was taking boxes to people's doors. And had a couple people follow me around or confront me about what I was doing.
  6. Next people will start bitching about dangersnax. If you don't like it, ignore it. And quit bitching about people who don't just because you see it quoted.
  7. I'd say one of two things were going on: - there was a hard deadline like bed, dinner, etc coming up and they wasted so much time getting the task done they no longer had time before the hard deadline. Oh well. Too bad. I'm not letting you stay up another 30 minutes to watch something if you wasted 30 minutes before cleaning up. - this isn't the first time this has happened and they need to learn that actions - or the lack thereof - have consequences. You want something? Then do what you're asked when you're asked. If I have to keep telling you over and over and you only finally do it because I'm pissed off about it, then don't expect whatever privilege you were asking for. It's the kid version of FAFO.
  8. But the old one has already touched dog poop. It's contaminated. You know how hard it is to boil and sanitize a doggie poop scooper? Will you at least think about the poor chickens?
  9. My dad was one of 6 kids. Grew up on a farm. Kids slept upstairs. Grandma and Grandpa slept downstairs. Dad told us that every morning Grandma would yell up the stairs to get up and do chores before eating breakfast and going to school. She'd yell 4 or 5 times before they started getting out of bed. But if for some reason Grandma was sick and Grandpa yelled to get up, you got up. Grandpa only yelled one time and then would come up to get you out of bed, and you didn't want to be in bed when he got there.
  10. The bonus I forgot to mention is that she called me an hour before she left (because I tried to call her first before texting) to tell me she got the text and even mentioned the restaurant by name. When she called later, she was laughing and said, "Guess where I am?"
  11. Damn, that looks like my kid.
  12. I'm currently waiting at a restaurant because my wife mis-read the text and drove 30 minutes the wrong direction to a different restaurant. She was already running late - because she's always running late - so now our 6pm dinner might happen at 7. Maybe.
  13. Besides, who gives a fuck what a tire company thinks about restaurants anyway?
  14. The roundabout at 35/51st is the biggest clusteruck to get through because it is/was a 3-way stop. That means that westbound traffic never has to stop and yield unless some moron going eastbound is doing a u-turn. Southbound frontage road traffic backs up a lot during certain times of the day because the westbound traffic never seems to stop. Roundabouts should only be used at 4-way stops.
  15. Better yet, buy them but don't tell her. Make one, stick it in a Starbucks bag and tell her you stopped and got her one.
  16. My wife will name a restaurant that went out of business 2 years ago.
  17. So you knew you'd always be a lawyer?
  18. That's only for outlets controlled by a light switch so you'll know that they are. Unless you're using metal trim plates (like in a hospital) and are worried the plate will come loose and drop down on the plug as it's going in or out and short. Otherwise, it doesn't matter.
  19. There are websites devoted to explainng how this can happen. I've already seen some suggested on FB.
  20. What a dumbass. The shoulder shove probably gets overlooked but then throwing the ball down while looking down at him was stupid.
  21. BTW- that guy was found Not Guilty by Reason of Insanity 3 years later and put in a hospital. Dennis Miller had the right idea: "Oh, you were crazy when you killed them? Fine. We'll fry you in a clown suit."
  22. Is the death penalty flawed in its current execution? Yes. Are there times when maybe an innocent person was executed? Probably. Is the death penalty way too expensive when we can just lock them up and throw away the key until they die off of old age? Sure. Should the death penalty be abolished? No. Despite all the problems, costs, etc, there are times when we just need to kill the fucker. Like this guy: (Don't read it if you can't handle it. Deals with the death of a special needs child.) http://www.cnn.com/2011/CRIME/08/15/louisiana.child.killing/index.html That guy does not need to breathe air anymore. He confessed. He did it. Take him out back and put a bullet in his brain. Cheap. Easy. I'd be hard pressed not to just throw him in a pen with a bunch of hungry crocs or gators and let them eat him alive. That kind of piece of shit doesn't need to be sitting in a jail cell for 60 years.
  23. Pretty sure that's called "hot-wifing", but your probably going to tell us in great detail how hotwife and voluntary cuckold relationships are just one degree in the spectrum of ENM, instead of a wife who wants to enjoy extra dick while her husband waits at home or watches. Most people I've known who do this were socially-inept late bloomers and didn't have any or very little sexual experience before meeting and starting a relationship with their main partner who may have been their first sexual partner. Then one of them (usually the woman) starts thinking about what they missed out on by not having multiple playmates and the main guy (also usually socially inept and inexperienced and not wanting to lose this woman) talk and agree to open it up. The guy doesn't find anyone usually because he's happy with what he's got. The woman gets on some dating apps and meets some guys who want to fuck her (because she's got a pussy). She spends more time with one new guy and brings up the idea of polyamory to the old guy. New guy ends up moving in and they live as a throuple. Woman spends more time with new guy because he's new, and old guy either deals with it or gets upset. Most of these relationships don't last long - less than 5 years - because one person will eventually feel neglected. The ones that do are when the woman wants the 3rd to be another woman (bi tendencies) and the main woman sleeps with both but the man and new woman don't. Neither feel as threatened of being replaced by the other partner. There was a story I read a while back of a husband and wife in an ENM relationship with another guy who lived with them. She already had a kid with the husband. She wanted to get pregnant by the new guy and didn't want the baby born out of wedlock so she divorced her husband and married the new guy before the baby was born. They all three still lived together with now 2 kids. Seems fucked up for the kids, especially the one who now has divorced parents. What happens if she gets pregnant by the 1st guy again? And yes, almost every gay couple I know - including my best friend's relationship - are often going to parties or clubs or vacations or cruises and hooking up with whomever they can find. Every time I hear one of those stories or see pictures he took I just shake my head.
  24. Just pull around to police HQ and start laying on the horn.
  25. Reminds me of a story one of my old tech teachers told us: He was working for a major manufacturing company and they had a site-wide employee meeting to go over new site policies and address employee concerns. One old guy got up and asked when they were going to fix the toilet in the downstairs bathroom. Management was confused because they hadn't heard anyone else mention a problem with said toilet and asked what the problem was. "The water level is too high. When you sit down, your balls are in the water." There were quite a lot of laughs, and lots of people had to stop by to check the water level because nobody else had that problem.
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