Evidence and depositions are trickling out showing Briles was in fact scape goated. Going all the way back to the basketball murder scandal that board of regents are dirty mofos. Clay Travis did some great reporting on what really went on in the BU football scandal. Hint it was a university problem.
At this point Im sick of mediocrity, sick of Aggies being in the top 5 and sick of hearing buzz words like rape enabler. Everyone had such a hard on for Meyer and he has coached rapists, a murder, and countless felons. Hell Ed Ogeron had 5 players convicted of rape. Briles deserves to come back and if we were smart we’d hire him weather the dumb ass pr storm and just start winning. Winning would shut uo alll these whiny ass virtue signalers. Otherwise Texas is one more mediocre hire from becoming irrelevant like Michigan.