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Everything posted by fakebusiness

  1. Supporting progressive policies isn't 'Trumpian'. Trump is one of the worst presidents in U.S. history so you're speaking to the wrong guy. I am starting to notice any valid critique of Dems is being labeled as such. Which is oddly a Trumpian tactic. It isn't in either/or. You can do both while removing the dipshit from office. I will say I underestimated how much of whiny bitch he would be if he lost. Do whatever it takes to prevent him from doing more damage, get his ass out, and now let's get to work. I didn't say they were the same. I don't like it when police shoot unarmed people. That opinion is never going to change regardless of what unarmed person is on the other side of the gun.
  2. I know both are government buildings and unarmed people shouldn't be shot at them regardless if you agree with their politics or not.
  3. I don't watch Jimmy Dore. Kudos to him trying to get people healthcare during a pandemic though and hold politicans accountable on their campaign promises.
  4. Unsourced. Anonymous. Business Insider. Clickbait. There is so much going on right now with actual sources and evidence why even post this?
  5. Didn't it end up being a few grand in facebook ads according to the investigation?
  6. She's also assimilating into status quo neoliberalism. Which is really disappointing.
  7. Do you deserve to be shot if you, say, burn down a police precinct?
  8. I don't like this guys politics. Not liking someone's politics does not mean they deserve a death sentence.
  9. It's weird seeing the bootlickers coming out of the wordwork saying that unarmed woman should have been killed.
  10. He doesn't care about his supporters either. Imagine doing 10 years in federal pound-me-in-the-ass prison for this guy or any politician for the matter.
  11. How long does the cult keep this insanity up for?
  12. Here we go what? Trump and his sycophants are a disgrace. That doesn't make Biden somehow great. I know this is hard for binary thinkers to process.
  13. Trump being one of the worst presidents ever doesn't absolve Biden of being a neoliberal corporate clown.
  14. Yawn. If getting a simple tally of who or who does not support healthcare during a pandemic has you this pressed idk what to say. We've tried your way. It doesn't work. I'm done responding to 'progressives' who say 'now is not the time'. And I don't follow Dore that much but:
  15. For starters having a M4A vote which AOC literally campaigned on.
  16. Nah, he just wants healthcare and for the people with healthcare to stopping telling the people without healthcare to wait or go bankrupt.
  17. AOC campaigned on it. Now Dore is using her strategy of making congressman and women 'uncomfortable' to get shit done.
  18. No, it isn't. And Biden winning will pacify Dems even more. Saw it happen under Obama (who I voted for). His cabinet & voting record all but confirms this. More wars, corporate welfare, medical bankruptcies, expansion of the survelliance state, race to the bottom trade deals, etc., etc. But you'll look the other way because he'll use his pronouns in his Twitter bio and The Cop will give a few woke lectures.
  19. I care more about the message than the messanger. The Dems are basically Bush Era neocons at this point.
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