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Everything posted by Skyline

  1. Aside from the passing, a big selling point for Card was positional versatility (WR). It's not quite apples to apples. However, a lot of the QB evaluation that takes place isn't just in camps but in home and at the kids school. It's hard to know for us on the internet to know what a kid is like mentally and emotionally. The latter being talked up for Murphy (and Card early on) is a good indicator.
  2. Gabe does their X's and O's content, I'd be surprised if he had any actual insight.
  3. The contrarian take on Muschamp is that he hasn't done anything notable in the defensive department for a few years. His South Carolina defenses were not great, and his Auburn defense was alright. I'd be happy to have him back but I understand that we might have something good in Ash.
  4. A badass coaching staff is the real appeal of hiring Sark. His connections are to Carroll's tree and Saban's tree. That's as good as it gets in current cfb. If he keeps Ash then he's somewhat connected to the UM tree as well.
  5. Exactly this. He didn't do shit. Would prefer to let someone else take over.
  6. I think he lives in Fort Collins.
  7. Fuck yeah MJ.
  8. I do not visit DT, but has this board basically split into two safe zones for politics? If so, why do the mods allow DT to exist under it's current form?
  9. TFB is saying OU will have at least 9 players sitting out now due to covid.
  10. But hey at least Fox put it on the front page.
  11. There's something really uncomfortable about Trump using emojis. Thanks, I gotta use bleach on my eyes now.
  12. So you guys are telling me that winning does not cure all? If LSU lose another player they're only going to have about 70 players on scholarship left, that includes the last recruiting class. It will be like USC or Penn State when they were on sanctions. This year can quickly turn into a war of attrition even faster than other years and they simply won't have depth if there's a spike in cases.
  13. The conveniently ignore that Trump has spent his entire presidency stoking every fire and culture war he possibly can. Nope, the real instigator is leftie commie Joe Biden. Complete gas lighting.
  14. I had a nice time hoping they would fuck off to Parler like some attempted to. This is the end result of everyone trying to position themselves as the next Rush by leapfrogging.
  15. This is such bad faith. Twitter was a mistake, Anastasis is right about that.
  16. What I've learned the most is that the vast majority of Americans do not care about politics as long as it isn't affecting them. Their default mode used to be not being political, until they have to go vote, and then they would go back to not caring. If the economy hadn't tanked I fully believe Trump would be in a tight race with Biden. However, the default mode is changing. Everyone is political to some extent now. It's impossible to ignore Trump news, or any other news for that matter. I wonder if this will carry forward post-Trump? If so, will independents remember their distaste of Trump and continue to flee the GOP? That might be the only hope against Trump's fear mongering, and maybe even other GOP agenda items.
  17. That RB looks to be 5'7 Jarrett Smith. I'd be afraid to chip VB too if I was him.
  18. This is the problem with constantly trying to tell your base that Biden is mentally impaired. All it takes is one halfway decent speech to figure out that's a bad attack line. So now you move the goalpost that he's actually on drugs. Then you will have to move it again. The best move is to not play Trump's game. He dragged Obama in the muck too with the birther crap, and he's trying it again.
  19. I didn't realize this was a thing, but I heard it from my friend's mouth yesterday and my jaw dropped. I couldn't believe it. This guy is a serious hand washing, extreme germaphobe, and yet he doesn't believe the numbers of people dead from Covid. I asked him why? What makes you think it's lower? In his mind hospitals are inflating numbers for money. He voted Trump in 2016 but plans on staying home for 2020.
  20. I've been reading Nixonland by Rick Perlstein and it's amazing how much of the current GOP we can trace back to the roots of Nixon, Goldwater, and others. Maybe the GOP weren't always like this, but even back then the book talks about the GOP being anti-Dem more than anything else. With a large chunk of racism thrown in that was thinly veiled by abstract policy goals. Obama's presidency definitely broke a lot of them, and they turned it up a notch once the neocons were gone. However, the roots were always there.
  21. Good thread from Jeet being good again. In an ideal world you'd see the GOP cast aside Trump but they will do what they always do and double down. Which includes believing any batshit crazy conspiracy that comes up which makes them feel good.
  22. If only we had some way of seeing this coming. If only.
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