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Everything posted by Skyline

  1. He looks pretty good against a solid NW team.
  2. ...raiding Medicare to pay for Medicare?
  3. Gotta make it a culture war instead.
  4. Same with my conservative, immigrant, parents. My parents voted GOP ever since they became citizens until around 2014, when they realized they're surrounded by people who deep down (sometimes openly) don't want them. They'll vote democrat just based on immigration.
  5. Somewhere, Ben Shapiro is preparing to rush in and defend the article.
  6. https://www.nbcnews.com/news/amp/ncna904366?__twitter_impression=true Heres an actual example: The guy guy ended up doing a reddit AMA today and it’s pretty amusing. But this fake news was spread by gateway pundit, Cernovich, and even Donald Jr.
  7. So Nunes basically went to the UK to scoop information on a political rival? Do I understand that correctly? Hasn’t that been his ENTIRE point? What a colossal idiot.
  8. There’s something else on my mind regarding his coaching hires. He decided to be lazy and keep Price/Turner on staff for recruiting. More often than not, this goes terribly wrong. At the first sign of trouble those players will turn to the old coaches, rather than talk to Jimbo or his new coaches, and it creates friction. It’s something most coaches are not willing to risk like Herman with Traylor or anyone else.
  9. Holy shit Tyree Johnson had 5 sacks in a scrimmage? If Liucci wasn’t a homer there would be alarm bells going off.
  10. It shouldn't be their fault if that's what the DNC reports. Looks like they corrected as needed. On another note, I'm ok with the DNC overreacting considering what happened.
  11. No, they will argue he only sinned when he was a Democrat. As only Democrats can sin.
  12. These first year classes rarely come apart. Jimbo has playing time galore to sell if they're losing, and the promise of development if they're winning. These recruits have been a part of a class for months, some losses won't change anything unless something monumental like sanctions are thrown down.
  13. Agreed, we can and should be able to do better.
  14. You could say that about Leal, Richardson, Wright, or Williams.
  15. This image has great potential. Maybe the best thing Fox has given us in a while.
  16. Weekend Post from the Brainiacs: Super K isn't very subtle about A&M's recruiting.
  17. Former blue chip CB who was given a 2 year suspension. They're getting him back early.
  18. The most notable part of the Leal article is he mentions that Texas went 6-4 last year. Does he know we played 13 and went 7-6? Does he not know that colleges play 12 games minimum? It's such an odd thing to say.
  19. In the immortal words of Brisket, nothing matters. When you're the president, they let you do it.
  20. Oh come on. She either lied to drum up interest or cut out the best part.
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