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Everything posted by Skyline

  1. And yet, Trump and conservative media will blame Obamacare as being a flawed system and we will slide further away from any real solutions.
  2. Smith running some sweeps or even play action sweeps is going to be amazing.
  3. Great player, welcome to the fUTure.
  4. Yeah and I provided that reason to you, it's likely going to be healthcare. You're cherry picking the good, but ignoring that this country remains hyper partisan. People still very much hate Trump, and this country turns on anyone in power very quickly. The Dems may or may not be making anti-Trump their biggest message. We'd need to wait for more polling after primaries are done before making that statement. Either way, the GOP overnight became anti-Obama and anti-healthcare and won big every step of the way. Like I said, you're looking at this whole thing from a conservative viewpoint.
  5. #Maroongoons is the worst, yet best fitting hashtag I've read so far.
  6. This two WR coach thing is temporary until Mehringer's contract runs out. It's probably a good move on Herman's part, but I am intrigued about it helping the rotation in game.
  7. That idiot needs to be moved to another position or fired ASAP. Our policy should remain neutrality.
  8. Your approach to this exercise is fundamentally flawed. You're looking at it as if the Democrats are trying to woo conservatives. Let's be clear, people don't up and switch sides in droves so your approach won't matter. The parties usually only appeal to whatever gets their base fired up and ready to vote. GOP don't do anything to appeal to moderates or liberals, and the Democrats shouldn't have that placed upon them either.
  9. Also, I can't believe y'all aren't discussing this: This is gonna piss off the Germans.
  10. Ding ding ding, this is the winner. Early midterm polling states that yet again, healthcare will be foremost on people's minds. GR's ignoring the biggest issue. source:
  11. Tweeted at 5:12 PM. Alignment confirmed.
  12. I think some of the older folk still have memories of the GOP as being something wholesome and good so they're willing to give them the benefit of the doubt while continuing to bend over backwards. They don't want to believe the old GOP really doesn't matter in today's age against Trumpism. I think @Bozo_Casanova said it best a long time ago in some anecdote about their child. The younger people have a completely different view of the GOP because they're used to only the modern iteration.
  13. I'm not sure I buy that logic. Paul Ryan and Mitch aren't some poor souls being held hostage by Trump. He's the end result of many years of GOP talking points being turned up a notch. Listen to conservatives speak here, and in real life. They rarely denounce his policy goals (I mean the policy goals of his admin, not random Trump blurbs that don't make sense). Their main opposition is to his bluntness and his erratic behavior. Trump is the GOP through and through.
  14. Skyline


    I mean, saying weird shit is too close to her core. Similarly, many people have tried to get Donald Trump to just stop tweeting and maybe get someone to edit his tweets but has that ever worked? Sooner or later, Roseanne was going to break free.
  15. Skyline


    She's been tweeting and saying weird shit for years. It was only a matter of time before this happened.
  16. This recruitment randomly heated up and they got a commit. Let's see if it sticks.
  17. You're on the money. There's no reason to pretend like there's some split between Trump supporters and some other conservatives of higher moral standing or whatever. At this point in time, the GOP is mostly behind Trump and pretending like #NeverTrump people matter is ridiculous.
  18. They picked up a commit from a 4* DE out of Washington DC.
  19. Trump bragged about classified Syria skirmish at fundraiser ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
  20. Skyline


    It will be picked up by NRATV.
  21. Beaty's a solid recruiter. Herman should hire a guy with Louisiana connections, I don't know how much of Kansas being involved in Louisiana recruiting is due to Beaty or another Louisiana coach.
  22. It's not like there was a wave of right wing populism world wide... oh wait.
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