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Ricky Thrilliams

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Everything posted by Ricky Thrilliams

  1. (Ketch)Truth be told, most of the key info to pass along right now with regards to the Texas head football coaching situation was in last night's update. Not much occurred in the last 24 hours that has changed the dynamics of the situation.However, there are a few things to discuss, including the situation surrounding former Ohio State head coach Urban Meyer.In case you missed it, Meyer joined Colin Cowherd's show on Thursday afternoon and was asked about his desire to return to the sideline. What followed was an answer that raised the ears of every follower of Texas football in as much for what was not said, as much as for what was said."There's more than mornings (where he wants to return), Colin," Meyer said. "You can't do something as long as I've done it (and not) just feel a little bit empty. I have a great spot on Fox, and I love Reggie, Matt, Brady and Rob Stone. We have a great group. I really have absorbed that and embraced it. But, to say I don't think about it... it's every day. But it'd have to be the perfect, perfect situation. It'd have to be something that I was confident that the health issues I could overcome, and at least prevent. So, I don't know. At this point, I think I'm done, but I learned a long time ago...you know, I left a job once where I really planned on being there, then you get a phone call from a better opportunity. So, you know, I think I'm done, but I would never say I'm never done."A few thoughts on his comments.1. Lol. Meyer really should go into politics.2. Most of this shouldn't surprise anyone that has been paying attention. Meyer mentions that his health concerns are at the center of any decision to return and references the need to have a perfect situation in order for him to return. What represents a perfect situation? Well, as we outlined in last week's War Room, it primarily centers around the ability to surround himself with a number of core support staff members that are currently centerpieces of the Ohio State football program.In making a decision last week to not return to coaching as the coach at Texas, the two existing sticking point areas were continued reservations about his health (especially from his family) and complications in being able to bring a number of key personnel people with him from Columbus to Austin.In a way, he pretty much said the bare minimum related to his situation. Yet, it was still a first-person confirmation of the areas that have been discussed for weeks.3. In talking with high-level university officials this week, very few concrete specifics have emerged in our conversations with regards to specifics related to the Meyer rejection. There could be a number of reasons for that, ranging from Texas officials not wanting to relay harsh rhetoric in his final response to there wasn't much to pass along outside of the bottom line to there being a conspiracy to hide secret plans to delay a true final decision until the New Year, to sources just not wanting to say a damn thing to us.The bottom line is that from my perspective, no one that I trust has so much as given me a flash of a wink that would suggest that there's some Machiavellian plan in place that ends with Meyer in Austin when the dust settles.I wish I could tell you otherwise because Meyer's name being mentioned with the job was probably the best thing to happen to Orangebloods business in years, but there are no indications at this point outside of burnt orange confirmation bias, blind hope and a refusal to accept an otherwise harsh reality that points to it actually going down. Still, you better believe everyone will be keeping an eye on Meyer moving forward.4. In talking with Texas officials this week, I would not be shocked to see them at least return to Meyer in January in the most stealthy way possible in an effort to make sure that nothing has changed, especially if Texas sticks with Tom Herman through the rest of the season (bowl game) as is overwhelmingly expected. Whatever happens, if anything happens, will almost certainly be done in a way that minimizes exposure because none of the parties involved on the Texas side will want to have a second miss see the light of public day, especially when you consider what is being speculated behind the scenes as potentially looming next (see below).We're just at a point right now where the ONLY move where there appears to be a consensus among those in the decision-making power structure is that Meyer and Meyer alone is worth the financial commitment needed to push a complete reset ($25 million) on the program at this point. While that could eventually change, it's where things stand now.5. There is grapevine talk that the only "true perfect, perfect situation" out there for Meyer is the Notre Dame job, a place that's dear to him after coaching there from 1996-2000. Speculation has existed for years that current Notre Dame coach Brian Kelly could eventually head to the NFL and that if he were to do so, Meyer would have a significant interest in the job.Outside of the Meyer conversation, the next thing to keep an eye on with the Texas athletic department is a possible attempt to rebuild the standing of Herman, who has received zero public support from Texas athletic director Chris Del Conte for essentially the last six months, but especially during the season.Del Conte has always indicated that he would hold off on all public commentary on the football program until the end of the regular season. With the announcement on Thursday that the game against Kansas has been cancelled, the end of the regular season has arrived and there will be expectations for Del Conte to weigh in on the situation with football, especially in light of the very real new set of expectations that Herman will be around for the 2021 season, barring another change in direction.Given that Del Conte hasn't exactly made a lot of decisions this fall that you'd find in the traditional athletic director's playbook, it's hard to say with certainty what chess moves he'll make in the coming days and weeks, but there seems to be an understanding that Del Conte has to give some sort of public endorsement of Herman if the plan is to bring Herman back.Does that mean a public endorsement is on the way? It’s one of the things everyone is watching for.Stay tuned.*****
  2. Who the fuck is FCB? Chip?
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