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Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by TXRed

  1. Just to remind everyone of how fucking good Colin is. http://www.hudl.com/v/2KH6YF
  2. When I was in boot camp it meant you were getting a thermometer shoved up your ass after passing out. Gotta check that core temperature.
  3. Gerry has said a couple times that Simmons wouldn’t commit to a school the same day as someone else.
  4. Hope they’re right about what Wells says at around 9:15, then.
  5. Right, but how close is it to Baltimore?
  6. I guess Ohio State didn’t match.
  7. Damn, I really wish Texas could find a way to get Simmons and Black to bail on that stupid fucking pool party. Hopefully those two won’t let bags of cash dropped at their feet blur the bigger picture when it comes to NIL.
  8. Gerry said he got laughed at when he asked his source if OSU was in Gipson’s top two and it’s still a Texas Clemson battle.
  9. Not hiding his decision very well or trolling?
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