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Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by TXRed

  1. No one wastes huge, program changing opportunities quite like Texas.
  2. That was a fucking TD if Whittington just looks.
  3. That’s game
  4. I think we’re fucked.
  5. What a stupid fucking penalty. Probably just gave them more points.
  6. Let’s kill the momentum by throwing downfield yet again.
  7. Yeah, guys. Cheating is so fucking funny!
  8. Fucking refs
  9. Just pull up the script from the 1st 20 against k state and use that. Gotta be better than what’s getting called right now.
  10. That Ewers sack was just like the one Overshown got the targeting call on in the UTSA game.
  11. I agree is was a bad route. I’m saying he’d be way more productive than Worthy if he had the same amount of targets.
  12. At least he fucking caught it.
  13. Most pussy coward shit I’ve ever seen there.
  14. Just burned up 40 fucking seconds.
  15. Replace worthy with Whittington and it’s a different game.
  16. Remember when Rojo ran it twice and picked up a first down and didn’t get the ball again? I remember.
  17. That wasn’t a fumble?
  18. Defense is worn out now. Fuck everyone on offense for blowing a golden opportunity.
  19. We’re extra fucked if Banks is out.
  20. Ok, I’m breaking. How how much more of this before they try Card?
  21. Does Quinn just ignore everything except the deep route? Why even throw that?
  22. They need to try getting Whittington involved.
  23. How about we give Ewers some easy high percentage throws instead of missing worthy down field two of three plays?
  24. Seems Rojo may be the hotter hand tonight.
  25. Fuck yeah!
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