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Everything posted by leaf

  1. I don’t think that is the Gods.
  2. leaf

    2024 NFL DRAFT

    Who is the Aggie that he is throwing around like a little bitch?
  3. sound so like what killer would say
  4. That’s what she said.
  5. This doesn’t seem to align with to totals that I’ve seen on the internet. But, this is my rain gauge total for today in the 78628
  6. Bother and his family were there. That is the second time she sent me that picture. She sent it to me on Christmas Eve too.
  7. Yeah, that crossed my mind
  8. Conversation with mom today.
  9. Based on your history here. Are you really that surprised that you didn’t win at Loteria?
  10. Was supposed to go to Rockport for Christmas Eve and Day at mom’s house. My brother, SIL and niece will also be there. Sister will not be there. Sister and mom cannot be in the same room for more than 5 minutes before they start making smart ass comments to each other. I came down with the flu Thursday because some of the stupid fucks that I work with won’t stay home when they are sick. I called mom to let her know that we(wife and 2 sons) probably won’t make it for Christmas. Mom gets sicks easy since her mastectomy and I don’t want to pass the flu to her. She tells me that she agrees that we shouldn’t go if I have the flu. Call mom on Saturday morning to confirm that we will be staying home for Christmas. Her response to me, “Well, what the fuck am I supposed to do with 10 dozen chicken wings that i ordered from Walmart?” Me: When did you place the order? Just call and cancel. Mom: Can’t. No refund. Won’t tell me when she placed the order. By the way mom, I’m still feeling like shit from the flu. Thanks for asking.(she didn’t) Call her this afternoon to make sure brother and his family made it there ok from Houston. Straight to voicemail. Send a text, no reply. This is a woman that has her phone glued to one hand and an Apple Watch surgically installed to her wrist. After waiting a few hours I call my brother to check on them. Bro answers and says they have been there for a few hours and mom is pissed off about the chicken. Mom(in the back ground): You’re god damn right I am My reply, for fuck’s sake. While I’m talking to bro, she replies to my earlier text message. Sorry, I’ve been too busy to reply to your text. She then sends me pic of the 10 dozen chicken wing displayed on her island. I ask bro what have they been doing since he got there? He say, just sitting on the sofa chatting. So I send mom $150 by Cash App to pay for the fucking Walmart chicken wings that I’m glad I didn’t have to eat. Haven’t heard anything from mom.
  11. In 78628
  12. Then shut the fuck up
  13. 6figs sock confirmed
  14. Watching the game, it seems that PSJAN is talking a lot of shit between plays. The refs need to get control of that before something bigger happens.
  15. Right hand fucked up. Do not want.
  16. The leading edge has hit Georgetown. Nice and cool
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