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Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by ElChupacabra

  1. You going to the game or are you one of those backwoods Arkansassy poors from Batesville or some shit?
  2. Username checks out
  3. It's early but the O Line is not looking great. Need to get some nasty motherfuckers on the line that just want to punch the person across from them for even showing up to play in this heat.
  4. The heat is real man. The looks on everyone's face is just of pure disgust.
  5. Time to stomp a mudhole in their ass and turn around and stomp it dry!
  6. Yeah that picture looks vastly different than the Gus Johnson I picture in my mind. I'm assuming it's probably Hollywood makeup that makes him look different but yeah his face is not nearly as full as that.
  7. Could be, sure. But, as a professional, how does he justify his opinion that the incident was not penalty worthy? I mean, that was the literal perfect example of a targeting penalty.
  8. You're friends with Gus Johnson? Is he mixed or just a light skinned brother?
  9. Nope. I have no clue how to use the ignore feature yet. I am busy stuffing my face with leftover Chick-fil-A nuggets right now so I'm probably too far behind to catch up lol
  10. Well I'll be damned it sure was. That's weird as hell but okay. I guess he did play some college baseball but yeah nevermind what I said.
  11. And he just shrugged off his biggest rivals team getting away with a clear-cut targeting penalty when his broadcast mates were sure of it being a penalty. You'd think a meat chicken man would jump all over that opportunity.
  12. Pretty sure I remember hearing that on one of the broadcasts he was one.
  13. I don't know about that. The guy was like a three sport athlete in college and has been in the sports industry for a long time. I'm sure he knows more about football than most. But, yes, his hyper-energetic calls are his money maker.
  14. I get what you're saying but it's 2021 and the public is just not going to accept brain injuries as "part of it" anymore.
  15. Damn. Just lost a lot of respect for Gus Johnson. He's clearly biased.
  16. They didn't even review targeting. Isn't NY supposed to be watching and calling in for shit like this? Fleck about to lose his mind
  17. His feet twitching as if he's still running tell me he's not going to be himself for a while.
  18. If this isn't targeting I truly have no fucking clue what is. Leads with the crown, launches, knocks the guy smooth the fuck out.
  19. I'm gonna assume it's about limiting potential turnovers
  20. Anyone care to explain how that's not an immediate flag for targeting?
  21. He's unconscious
  22. Stroud rocking that Casey Thompson hairdo and chin beard.
  23. If Minnesota had Gable Stevenson on the field they could probably run a two man front and he'd have 30 sacks by now.
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