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Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by ElChupacabra

  1. Is this the guy that beat up a woman in a hotel in LA?
  2. Interesting. During COVID I was primary caretaker for a terminally ill cancer patient. I wore a mask daily. Washed my hands religiously. Social distanced. Got vaccinated. The whole 9 yards. Still got COVID three times. Apparently, the masks didn't help much. In fact, the CDC has walked back their stance on that matter. If they're not pressing it, why are you? How about the families of kids murdered with knives? Hammers? Bombs? Cars? Water? Shall we restrict access to those? Will the criminals abide by these new laws? They certainly don't abide by the ones already in place. What makes you so confident they will change their ways? You've lost me altogether. One sentence ago and you were all about protecting children. Now you want to murder babies? I think you are spending entirely too much time on the internet. You're conflating national security and patriotism to international terrorists. I will agree wholeheartedly that the war in the Middle East was misplaced and a spectacular failure. But, let's not label patriotic Americans that enlisted to serve their country as murderous bigots.
  3. I bet he wishes he could pull off the Ed O accent so he could spew a bunch of gibberish post game and no one would understand it.
  4. Here comes the LSU cramps. You'd think they could siphon some of that ocean water and get some electrolytes in their players but apparently fucking not.
  5. Brian Kelly is a shade of red I didn't know was possible for any human other than Dana Holgerson.
  6. Yeah, no coach is *that* good at being vanilla. Michigan offense will struggle mightily today. Texas offense will feast. 41-17 TEXAS FUCK EM
  7. Waaaaaah. Waaaaaah. Waaaaaah. Cry me a river, dude. You got one neg to my like hundred plus and you're butthurt? Fuck outta here.
  8. You couldn't muster up the energy to kick anything without risking a bout of cardiac arrest, doughboy. The fat wrinkles on your bloated gut don't make a six pack, amigo. "Oh noes, this person isn't buying into our group delusions! He must be a racist!" 🤣🤣🤣 You post videos of yourself in hopes that closeted gays will masturbate to them? Uh, you know what that means, right? Maybe that's why you try so hard to present yourself as some type of playboy with these Backpage hookers. Look, no one here will judge you for being into dudes. Fly that flag loud and proud!
  9. Oh, what's the matter? I didn't neg rep anyone until the carpet negging started and all of a sudden I'm the bad guy all over again? Pot, meet kettle. It's okay, from glancing through other threads here, it's become apparent to me that many of you suffer from real mental illness. All I can say is please seek professional help. I don't know what type of professional you should seek out for some of these afflictions but I am sure in this day and age there are folks that deal with all types of perverse behaviors. Good luck to you 👍
  10. Incredibly enough, I was thinking the same thing about the retards on here. Weird.
  11. 61 years ago, big dog. Sixty one. Hardly applicable to the modern day climate in America. Want to know what else was going on 61 years ago? Roe v Wade, Paris Peace Accords, first mobile phone call made, Watergate...you get the point? Shit has changed and you want to pretend that it's still the same. Was your grandpappy a racist? Probably. Are you? Probably not. I wonder fucking why. BECAUSE WE'VE ADVANCED. The only people still claiming racism is alive and well are the ones who have never been affected by it. Had they been, they'd know that shit died long ago.
  12. Kinda hard to miss you when you post pictures of yourself in shirts too small for you 10 years ago, amigo. Maybe shed 40 pounds if you're really going to lean into that whole playboy persona you're dying to portray here. You should know me, though. Your joke of an institution sent me an acceptance letter without even applying to the school. Figured that pretty much made me royalty down in Norman.
  13. This Rufo cat really keeps y'all up at night. I'm going to have to look him up. Never even heard of him before but also I don't sit around pining for the next hot topic to pop up so I can delve into another bout of self loathing over shit that happened before any of us were even born. "I'm white and I am disgusted by it. Not because of how I've lived my life or the virtues I employ but because I've been told I'm privileged due to my skin tone and that just makes me sick!" *Next breath* "We should give minorities anything and everything they want because of their skin tone! They've earned it by being born [insert race]!"
  14. So, you're a drug addict/dealer that got away with a slap on the wrist? Wow, I have never heard that story before! I'm sure it's 100% attributable to you being white and has absolutely nothing to do with the fact that the exact scenario you just (likely fabricated), ahem, described happens literally every day across the country. Take it easy, Bonnie. There are much bigger fish to fry than you toting around a few ounces of grass.
  15. You're probably not going to believe this, but, from where I'm standing it's you and your ilk that reek of simple minded. Crazy how that works, huh?
  16. 🤣🤣🤣 If you think whites are privileged you're going to be totally pissed when you see the preferential treatment that Asian Americans get. Clueless.
  17. Sounds like a pretty smart cat if you knuckle draggers are so upset by his words. Sticks and stones, ladies.
  18. Nah. The hive mind on this board has no interest in hearing any viewpoints that aren't directly aligned with their own. The limp dicks around here saw three posts and immediately labeled me a conservative and a racist. Neither of which are true. But, it fits your perception of people that don't kowtow to the weak minded groupthink. It's incredibly funny to me that so many who have profited from the "systemic racism" are so staunchly against it. Talk about biting the hand that feeds you 🤣 Will you all surrender your land, property, and wages to those that your ancestors stole it from? Yeah, that'll be the day.
  19. You're sooner trash. It's telling that you hang out here instead of on your own boards. These mushy brain fucks may be impressed by your lifestyle but all I see is a sad, lonely, middle-aged man grasping at the last few straws of his youth. Nothing more pathetic than a fat, balding 50-something year old trying to be 22 again. So, with that being said, fuck ou and fuck you, too
  20. 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 All I can say is THANK GOD you imbeciles are the minority in this fine country. If it were the other way around, we'd be in deep shit.
  21. 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 I cannot imagine being so triggered by an opposing viewpoint. Y'all are weak minded as hell. Neg away, bitches. Your internet cred means nothing to me 😁
  22. Certainly not. But, posters here seem to maintain that only whites participated in slavery and racial segregation. Also, that's just a handful that I know of personally. There are a great many more. And an even larger number of proponents that weren't white OR black. It's like there's only been two races in this country from day one. Where is all the heartfelt emotions for the Native Americans? We just not going to talk about that because y'all killed them all off?
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