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Everything posted by LOHorn

  1. A pant stripe would go a long way. It’s bad like color rush.
  2. I work with college kids everyday, they do some epically dumb shit. So maybe he goes to Tech. But why? They don’t have an OC, just a rumored one with way less of a track record than Sark. There is more money here, more exposure. There is more talent at Texas, even on a bad year. If things go so badly that Sark gets fired, the kid isn’t succeeding anyway. That’s true with McGuire. To me, kid bails on his Texas commitment cause OSU seems safer. Tech is way less safe than starting at Texas.
  3. Which two? The football board one, this one, the portal one, or the 2022 recruiting one. All are focused on Ewers right now.
  4. This was posted 18 hours ago. We’ve discussed Dodge already. Is there something new here?
  5. Nobody has the local info like SoonerInLondon.
  6. I think Tech is pushing this to make sure they get publicity with their new coaching search. McGuire has lots of connections. It helps raise their profile if they are getting pub as being on the level with Texas. I could be wrong, but Tech is way out of left field in this, and all the connections are hypotheticals if they hire a new coach, etc.
  7. This is some funny shit. Here are two possibilities, and a third random thing. Anyone can see how they must all be part of coordinated plan. It’s obvious. But maybe it won’t happen. Lol.
  8. Dude who skipped senior year of high schoolfor cash isn’t passing up starting at Texas for Tech.
  9. Not the same. Plenty of failed badass coordinators. See Muschamp, Herman, Pruitt, etc.
  10. I think that coaching kids that feel like they have a chip on their shoulder is very different than coaching ones that were 4/5 stars. Different motivation. Baylor is very different than Oklahoma, and who knows if Aranda has that skill set.
  11. He looked so out of it at the end of the season, I couldn’t believe that he wanted to come back. He got benched at the end of the season, right?
  12. Michigan much more physical. Wonder if that will last.
  13. More penalties and yards for us, again. I scrolled back and didn’t see the chart, but I believe that makes us 1-7 for the season.
  14. Was at CMU/EMU today. Can verify it was damn cold. It’s hard to throw the ball well up here. Winfield is gonna feel some pain blocking and getting hit up here.
  15. Feel like Aranda is making a giant mistake. I think Baylor takes a step back next year and the shine comes off. Gotta take your shot when you can, unless you don’t want it.
  16. “I think more and more people” is some quality 9.95.
  17. I think Sark and PK are a bad fit. PK seems to need a hard edged head coach/ physical offense to work with his defense. That’s not what we have, and the defense fails as they spend more time in the field. I was excited for his hire, but this is awful. Just need to learn that Sark needs a fiery opposite, cut bait, and move on.
  18. Have to play in the assumption you won’t get the two. Want to score with at least 3 mins remaining on the clock. Gotta go.
  19. The 2 was to was too early because there were too many possessions remaining. Have to think each team will get 3 possessions with 12 left on the clock. Going for two only really makes sense if you are down 18 at the time.
  20. Defender actually looked at the receiver on that third a long and still didn’t drop deep enough.
  21. Wow, the holds are right there on the edge. And then that’s BS. But I’m almost used to it now.
  22. We have some momentum, so I’m sure the defense will play soft for at least 40 yards.
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