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Everything posted by SamsCorner

  1. No state is going to secede, there will be no concentration camps.
  2. I swear, some on the left fantasize about this stuff as much as nutty righties do.
  3. Mistake, 2016 Herbstreit earthquake was near Pawnee, 2011 was the big Prague earthquake
  4. Last night epicenter was 5m northwest of Prague, near Sparks. About the same location as the Herbstreit earthquake. Shook me out of bed all the way over in Mayes county.
  5. My catch phrase at work today, "that's trouble of some kind, George.".
  6. Oh yeah, ya think so?
  7. Who proofreads stuff, nobody got time for that shit anyway. I never could spell no good anyhow. I read my numbers backwards too and my penmanship sucks.
  8. JJ Humphrey is the dumbest guy at the capitol, and there are a lot of dumb guys up there. He purposed a bill to allow hunting license sold for bigfoot.
  9. I'm no Baker fan but holy cow, page 61 is great.
  10. At least he defended her, saw a lot of dude's in dark suits standing around a watching. Probably figuring out who to sue.
  11. Worst movie about Marines ever made.
  12. 10-win seasons in Oklahoma since 2000 Oklahoma 19 Oklahoma St. 8 Tulsa 5
  13. Russia
  14. I wonder why being a nurse is more dangerous than being a cop, what makes that so?
  15. That's about 75% of the women in the world.
  16. I'm old, what does this mean?
  17. I used to be able to put away the whole Ken's Original Pepperoni from Mazzios but now only 1 or 2 pieces. And not Kens Original cause Mazzios sucks now.
  18. Three aggies are drinking Busch light over at George's Stables and aggie 1 says "I wish I knew where I could find a dead cow, we'd prank those asshole FH turds." Aggie 3 says " I know where we can find a dead cow, I got the key to the animal science building." Aggie 2 days, "I'm in!" They all three go steal Friday's anatomy project and drop it in FH front yard all Godfather style.
  19. This was probably Aggies original plan but then couldn't figure out how to get the dead cow to Austin.
  20. Am I supposed to grave dance or mourn? I can't keep up.
  21. Mike Holder is a tremendous douche, nobody likes him and he has no friends. He don't care though, made so much money with Boone Pickens.
  22. Rob Reiner's JFK podcast supposedly ID's 4 shooters. Four shooters can't fit in Dealey Plaza, somebody else is getting hit with 4 shooters.
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