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Posts posted by SamsCorner

  1. 7 hours ago, SL Xpress said:

    Maybe. But the US isn't the same place it was in 1941, and China of 2023 is not Japan of the 1940s. 

    China has their own set of issues. Primarily, they're an autocratic society with all the advantages and disadvantages of being one. But to make the equivalency between them and Japan from World War II is specious.


  2. On 7/3/2023 at 11:22 AM, SL Xpress said:

    We’ll see how far it goes. Both sides have a lot of weapons at their disposal. 

    I’m all in favor for as much of a decoupling from China as we can manage, but I have no confidence the American people are ready for the pain that will involve. People have been sounding the alarm on this stuff for over 20 years, to no real avail. 

    But make no mistake. China sees it as their destiny to replace the US at the top of the world’s pyramid. They see us as lazy, decadent, soft, and tired of the responsibility of being a world superpower. They’re ready to step in and remake the economic order to their advantage. They’ve done a great job of establishing an industrial base to do just that, but the problem with using weapons is that once you do, the other side starts coming up with counters. My hope is that Chiba overextended their hand and helps the west overcome their addiction to Chinese market incentives. 

    Here’s a decent WaPo article on how we got here. Not exhaustive by any means. Many books have been written on the subject. But a decent quick overview. 


    That sounds like the last Asian power who tried to fuck with us.

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  3. On 4/29/2023 at 7:04 AM, TreatyOak said:

    1999? I thought the killer one was 2013. Then they had a bad one a couple of years after that. How many times has that poor town gotten nailed?

    '99 killed 36, '13 killed 24.  The 2013 tornado hit the elementary school killing 7 kids.

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