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  1. What is the worst that can happen, they look like they have totally fucked up the second driver situation and the team as a whole is in danger of imploding on Helmut?
  2. WTF? $23M a year for a receiver who had lost a step before blowing out his knee? Heck, Tank Dell might get $5M in this market if he can ever walk again.
  3. Not happening, they didn't sign two journeymen tackles with that bit of money they free upped from re-working contracts simply to pay for depth at tackle. Robinson and Fisher start and Titus slides to guard which means they stay put and draft the best available interior offensive linemen to fix one of the other holes in their offensive line and address the tackle situation next year. This isn't a great offensive tackle draft, every prospect has got some issues and I don't see them overpaying for someone they aren't sure about and you don't go get two veteran tackles if you are sure about a prospect.
  4. Not sure what people are watching, but I am damn sure people aren't watching that steaming piece of crap staring the two DeNiro's.
  5. PGFrog


    Understand, my wife is all in on any of Sheridan's series, but even she has started to laugh at some of the scenarios that are written for Spencer. Fucking Odysseus had an easier and shorter trip home than Spencer.
  6. PGFrog


    There wasn't a tense scene with them in the car with Spencer, merely wasting more fucking time. Who didn't see what was coming the minute they had the conversation about the tax? The tense scene you are talking about was lazy arse writing where Spencer with a straight razor to his throat and a grown man's hand on the barrel, somehow can move around without getting a knick on his face, turn the gun barrel, shoot one guy, and then take care of the other two. I heard Sheridan saw in a podcast that when he writes these episodes he sits down and cranks them out all at one time which makes perfect sense watching these series unfold.
  7. These are not a rumor and I told this board what I saw at that track meet. Kid is a headcase and a cancer, but go ahead and attack the high school coaches. Neg me into oblivion all you fucking want, don't care, but you don't want this kid on your team and it is fucking hilarious watching the experts on this board rationalize this decision. Time to find out if Sark learned from Saban or if he is going to be like Mensa.
  8. Only providing an answer to the poster who asked how Evans did, but I forgot you only care about Texas recruits so anyone have any thoughts about what happened with Blue at the track meet this past weekend?
  9. No, dumbass. Vettel on the radio always bitches about every other driver and is god's gift to motorsports What the fuck is wrong with you?
  10. So Vettel wasn't at fault? Okay, so why does Seb apologize to Ocon and why does Seb get the penalty is he wasn't at fault?
  11. Realize it is very, very early with a new team and for the team itself in some ways, but thoughts on Vettel? He was bad in qualifying and was clearly at fault in the collision yet on the radio he is confident it is the other driver. Reminds me of the guy driving 15 mph too slow in the left lane with his blinker on bitching about all the other dangerous drivers.
  12. Many got what they wanted which is Max with and equal if not better car and Lewis still pulls out the win. Obviously they are the top two drivers, but the question I have is what happens with the Mercedes car. Heard and read multiple times since the new regs came out, testing, and in qualifying that the low rake cars were being negatively impacted by the changes while the higher rake cars were mostly unaffected. Mercedes does what Mercedes does apparently and in less than a month's time they go from a car that is struggling to stay on the track let alone be competitive to 2 top 3 finishes. Does anyone expect Merc to pull ahead of the field with their car as they continue to dial things in with adjustments or will Red Bull be able to find more from that car?
  13. Thanks, glad to know someone cares.
  14. Frogs split 220 carries between four backs this past season with Barlow getting the most carries. Why Zach didn't get more carries sooner is something most of us won't know, but it wasn't because he was a true freshman. Miller got more carries earlier and he was a lightly regarded recruit. The explanations for Evans were either he was out for Covid reasons or he was adjusting to the pace that TCU practices. Both could be right, both could be total bull shit, and I think we will see this year if Evans has bought in a bit or if he is going to implode. Frogs return those 4 backs and Foster who was injured and missed the last half of the season. They don't have to have Evans, but he can be special.
  15. Common knowledge that is about as fucking right as most of the expertise on the internet that is completely fucking wrong, but keeping telling yourself you have a clue as the most common bonds the schools have are the color purple, being near the interstate, and having christian in their name. I have nothing against burnt orange and think it is a unique and great color for the school. Damn shame Texas doesn't wear true burnt orange anymore.
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