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cafe society

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Everything posted by cafe society

  1. I thought Saban said that after attending several spring games, the best back he saw was Baxter.
  2. Excellent choices/planning. The PNW isn't cold and wet so much as gray and wet. But I love it there (lived in Seattle from 2 months old until nearly 9) and it gets into your soul, not to get too classically romantic. And I find as I get older - I'm almost eligible for Medicare, yikes - that rainy weather is relaxing. But good luck, and plan ahead.
  3. I'm over there frequently and I listen to all the podcasts, and I've yet to hear Gerry refer to Brooks as anything but an OT. Post a quote?
  4. Fucking A This. Our alma mater is recognized worldwide as an elite institution of higher learning, and an important player in progress and enlightenment past, present and future. And in numerous - and I emphasize numerous - fields.
  5. 112 decades. "While you tsips were partying at Stonehenge we were off fighting the Crusades."
  6. Not a babysitter, one of his player's baby sister. Two things, it's probably bullshit (and if it isn't my money is on Hugh), and the notion of a-witted half Swamp Kitty fan trying to put the screws to a rival's coach is just too funny.
  7. I can hardly believe it's really necessary to move guys out of position to RB, but as long as we're hypothesizing, Jelani McDonald was very good with the ball in his hands in high school.
  8. I like heat just fine, but the Cage Bomb + onion rings sounds tremendous.
  9. Yeah, he seems to have tremendous upside with a rare combo of size and speed by the time he graduates. Rushed for over 900 yds and receiving yards over 800.
  10. Our oldest son and his wife have great jobs that allow them to work remotely from anywhere in the free world. He may be investing in a scuba business with a buddy who has one in Texas. They spent a month in far south Thailand and Indonesia this past winter. If they move there my wife will not stand to be that far from The Golden Child (our grandson) and we may opt to move there as well. I've been there while my wife has not, but she loves the beach.
  11. He is very talented. He made a mistake, not a life-defining one. If he takes care of business he'll likely be at a P4 school in 2025.
  12. 85 Yates was the most dominant team I've seen.
  13. Aggies don't seem to possess any learning curve at all. Therefore, Bonfire = No lessons taken to heart = I won't trust any structure erected by Agriculture & Mechanical.
  14. Look, I'm not the biggest Eugene booster by any stretch, but that campus is far from an eyesore. It doesn't have to be Seattle, Austin, Chapel Hill, Charlottesville or Westwood to be nice.
  15. It's sad, but you're not wrong.
  16. Yeah, the airport is the only reason for Newark to exist.
  17. Hitchcock's THE BIRDS is a great movie, but the one thing I could never wrap my head around was Rod Taylor preferring Tippy Hedren to Suzanne Pleshette. Insanity.
  18. Thanks. My reading comprehension takes a step back at the end of the day.
  19. Hey, don't sleep on Jaggy McJaggerson.
  20. I didn't see them at the Back Room. I think it was that tiny race track out toward the airport.
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