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cafe society

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Everything posted by cafe society

  1. Any person who calls himself ironmanag sort of defies the adage about judging another person before walking a mile in their shoes.
  2. It sounds like our coaching staff thinks he has issues regarding trustworthiness. He's a Tech legacy that they opened their NIL for, but he is back out window shopping. Probably just making Tech pay more, but you know - or should know, no matter your drumbeat - that ATM is prone to impulsive moves.
  3. Dallas? Talk about a Johnny-Come-Lately with his own midgets.
  4. True. Chief difference being Looch is a successful con man, Hamm is certifiable.
  5. Nah. We've historically held our own against the Phillies. The entire NL West kicks the living shit out of the Rangers. Okay, they MAY break even with the Rockies, but the rest of the division is toxic to the Rangers.
  6. The redundant gift that keeps on giving. The world needs a tape loop now and again. Hook 'em!
  7. You're not original, but you are prolific. I think there's a couple of more threads in which you can post your butthurt ragey wit.
  8. Lofl. He doesn't, hell, he doesn't even have a Bagwell head. You guys, sheesh.
  9. Looks to be across Camp Bowie from the Kimbell.
  10. College Station police pull him over and plant some weed on him.
  11. All the young ags love Courtney Tender young Courtney they say Come over and see me Come over and please me Courtney it's my turn today
  12. But a beautiful mistress. After all these years, I still miss - and dream of - playing baseball. Great dreams.
  13. Kaat, Maddux and Rogers applaud Jordan Montgomery's fielding.
  14. Monty is going to need that armside fade CU to catch the outside corner before this is over.
  15. After they get turned down by the likes of Elko, Leipold and Patterson, I wonder if they would try to poach Jonathan Smith from Oregon St.? He's a Beaver alum, but the combo of $, SEC and a very murky future for OSU might sway him.
  16. Yep. Head up Wednesday night or early Thursday and hit the Ken Capps bash Thursday afternoon/evening.
  17. Every Surly owes it to themselves to visit this entire Twitter thread.
  18. Very refreshing to have a competitive and fun game to watch on a Thursday, much less two.
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