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cafe society

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Everything posted by cafe society

  1. Kansas, Baylor, TCU, WVA, KSU in Manhattan, Okie lite, Tech, ISU... yeah, I can see double digit losses there. And there has been a slow descent/transition to a new identity since Terry assumed the reins. I hope I'm wrong, but mediocre head coaches get clobbered in this conference.
  2. I honestly don't see a lot of wins the rest of the way out if Tuesday was any indication. Attempting to change in midstream from suffocating defense to Westhead's Loyola Marymount teams reeks of bumbling to me.
  3. Not a chance. Were it possible, we'd have someone new in Stillwater on Saturday. Terry is what he is, everyone knows what he is, what his level is, and he ain't the answer. Recruits are free like him because they know he won't be their head coach here.
  4. I've had him on ignore for a long time but people continue to quote him. He needs to return to his ancestral roots at OB.
  5. Perhaps not my number one choice but if he can be on the sideline Saturday morning make it happen.
  6. I hope we have already identified our guy and have basically tampered the shit out of him and have a sub rosa deal.
  7. Gerry is supposed to be the best at his job but I watched Blue's HUDL and I can't find any fault with him running and receiving other than he runs a bit straight up. He runs plenty between the tackles. https://247sports.com/player/jaydon-blue-46085418/
  8. It always adds to my enjoyment when they offer up more than one calamity to unpack.
  9. You have truly failed at life if you are asking this guy to tell you what to think.
  10. Because Terry would rather try to be Lakers Showtime instead of the suffocating, in-your-shirt defense that Beard demands. The Travis County DA needs to complete the investigation so we can either get Beard back on the sideline ASAP or start the coaching search behind the scenes in earnest.
  11. Where are you watching this? I don't see it on my listings.
  12. I saw a Kent St. game this season, that WR is pretty good. So was their QB, I think he transferred somewhere.
  13. So you attended Bluebonnet or Westcliff? Because Tanglewood and Alice Carlson you were rolling in cash. And everyone I know that attended UGA - been several - were acid head hippies who to this day haven't grown the fuck up.
  14. Well, I grew up down the hill from Amon Carter Stadium, two sisters and a niece graduated from TCU along with a fuckton of friends with whom I grew up. And the fact that along with Pepperdine and Dartmouth, TCU was the only four year college interested in furthering my baseball career. Not interested enough to make it worth my while, but it was flattering. And for only the second or third time in my life I rooted for tOSU to win because I'm sick of listening to the media fellate the execrable SEC. You call TCU roaches, I call the SEC Darwin's Waiting Room. And it will be a close game, because TCU enjoys the same advantage as the Fuckeyes at the most important position on the field, QB. In fact, I think this discrepancy is even more apparent with regard to Duggan v Bennett.
  15. Hard to show much running behind a 3rd string OL. And I disagree, he looks quite good to me, albeit in limited action. If he grew up this season maturity-wise, enters the portal... he's going to make some program a damn good back.
  16. Yeah, I think that was Sark's way of thanking him for being a good soldier. And perhaps he needed to verify to himself that Keilan can't be RB1.
  17. Agree, it looks like to me Ewers simply defaults to Worthy most of the time.
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