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cafe society

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Everything posted by cafe society

  1. Wow. Jimbo really is simply cashing checks at this point. He and Billy make quite the compelling king and queen at the white trash fiesta.
  2. Jordan Scruggs is quite the optimist; hope he is right.
  3. Absolutely. Our three best see the most time, Brock is who we all know he is, so his minutes - unless he's unconscious BTA - are fairly known. For the rest, who has the hot hand? Do we need to go really big?
  4. If it's on Thanksgiving, it's definitely a night game. I have no idea on T+1.
  5. Hunter, Max and Disu will be on the court a lot. We can probably predict Cunningham's minutes based on his average the past three years. Trying to project anyone else's minutes is just wild conjecture.
  6. Gotta be Dennis, he was the only jock in the family.
  7. Danny "The Kitchen Island" Saili.
  8. Putting you on ignore, but this "I'm the smartest, most clear-eyed guy in the room" bit you're running is poor strategy for a newbie.
  9. Just fatwa Hondo. Even if he isn't aggy, he cherry picks his data and states it as a static situation. He is more negative than Satya or 6th St., but without years of being a member. Fuck him.
  10. Indeed. Cherry picking, defining what constitutes the "modern era," "we were sacrificing for our country while they rode the gravy train," "we would have mauled them the last 12 years..." These are the fat clowns that wanted to lynch Mond. Their bloodlines remain strong in BCS.
  11. The prismatic evolution of a typical Longhorn - and many, if not most, other fan bases - is thus: 1) aggies are laughable, ridiculous and pathetic; 2) aggies are contemptible cheaters, liars and hypocrites; 3) aggies are thoroughly delusional hacks; 4) aggies are laughable, ridiculous and pathetic.
  12. I guess Antonio Reeves isn't happening?
  13. Oh absolutely, I remember reading many aggies stating at the time of their departure that if destroying A&M would also destroy UT, they would happily do it. Butthurt bonkers, that's aggy.
  14. Pinocchio. He thinks Simmons is being dishonest, disingenuous or full of shit is my guess.
  15. This. Make them make plays.
  16. Make him field his position; guys with quirky deliveries don't want to play defense. Upset his bizarre rhythm.
  17. LSU NIL'd the shit out of their baseball program. Yep, every source I've seen says Tigers go 1-2 in the draft.
  18. I think this is mostly wishful thinking out of BCS because Sark and Co. slow played Bussey because they wanted to evaluate him further, while aggy offered right off the bat.
  19. Tell me again, please... how old is Liucci? ~50? I've seen people cleaning stalls at horse tracks that dress better than he does. Ralphie the Buffalo is better groomed than Billy. He makes Bisontis look downright sleek. Only in Petticoat Jonestown would they allow someone that looks like him to be a face of the university.
  20. I believe he was offensive line challenged, unsure if he had playmakers to throw to.
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