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cafe society

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Everything posted by cafe society

  1. They always sent our mutual friend on the conference press tour. But I did get to hang out with the musicians doing blow off a hooker's ass.
  2. That shit never works in any industry. Cooking the books will always start a fire sooner or later.
  3. Faithfully submitted, Douglas C. Neidermeyer, Sergeant at Arms
  4. Albuquerque = city Alburquerque = former mlb relief pitcher Al
  5. Haven't been there since the early '70s, but there used to be a restaurant in Waco I loved as a kid called The Fireplace Inn. I doubt if it's still around. We'd usually hit Health Camp going to Austin and the Fireplace on the way home.
  6. They can't figure out the difference between overt, transparent NIL deals and entities as opposed to their sub rosa, secretive "NIL." To thine ownselves be willfully ignorant.
  7. F-250s are for linemen, skill position players drive muscle cars. Pffffft, no wonder they're wandering the desert.
  8. I'm not afraid of heights, but that highway is both a breathtaking and daunting drive.
  9. Sounds like a health crisis in the Allan family. This is a decision you make when you're quite a bit older.
  10. As an undergraduate, I would nearly always stop at the Dairy Queen at the Elm Mott exit just north of Waco on my way home from UT to Fort Worth. And in high school, we had a couple of carloads of seniors that would hit the DQ on the Bluebonnet Circle 2-4 times a week for lunch.
  11. In small towns nobody looks down their nose at those restaurants or jobs. There is a pride of ownership.
  12. In a vacuum? Depth chart. I doubt this kid is a take for Buckeye but Perroni wants the tOSU sheen of accomplishment to rub off on aggy. I bet the kid sticks with the Fighting Arandas.
  13. I'm one of the older Horns here; not Army Brat old, but 1980s graduate. My family attended all the football games and a lot of baseball and basketball games while I grew up. Trying to recall the exact time frame, I think it was the early to mid '70s, but the Showband of the Southwest for a couple of years incorporated some of the redundant shit that the aggie band performed every halftime. Guess what? The Longhorn Marching Band marched better and played the songs better. True fucking fact. IDK if they were deliberately trolling the brown shirts, but there you are.
  14. If he's a true 3 star, go to SMU and at least get a good education and latch onto a beautiful rich girl.
  15. It's a very popular/ist tactic these days; accuse your opponents of being what you already are.
  16. Since it has become such a huge talking point, didn't you and/or Sydney allude to issues with Hale?
  17. For those with the DECADES network, there's a rerun of the 1980 James Caan interview on the Dick Cavett show.
  18. Dillon Gee the former MLB pitcher from Cleburne?
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