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cafe society

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Everything posted by cafe society

  1. I've been drinking single malt Islay all weekend but I've pretty much exhausted my supply. If you really cared you'd help a brother out.
  2. "Don't worry Little Buddy, you'll get off this god-forsaken island one day."
  3. Admittedly, I don't know a thing about Message Board Geniuses. But I have decided they either have the driest sense of humor on Twitter or they are too stupid for a mother's tears.
  4. I definitely do not fall into the "trust the corches" camp, but for fuck's sake, it should be crystal clear to everyone that Andre Coleman, Herb Hand and Stan Drayton are not walking through that door.
  5. I wish him well, but I question the wisdom of him taking football back up.
  6. Another linebacker? Oh my, somebody get me a chair, I think I'm coming down with the vapors!
  7. JFC, whomever introduced football to the basketball recruiting board needs to die in a fire. WTFF.
  8. I lived there for six years. Before the homeless epidemic. I loved it.
  9. Seattle v Austin = fair fight Seattle v Petticoat Jonestown = Hawaii v Bikini Atoll
  10. Come on man, it's lobster, not the Texan Steakhouse challenge.
  11. It's a shame we aren't paying prospects not to take visits since it seems to yield dividends.
  12. I think it may be about Brandon Inniss. Sounds like Buckeyes.
  13. I think it's more of an ultimatum, win big and go deep in the playoffs or you're gone. He's probably the best choice among the coaches who can't command guarantees from the owner. DeBoer has a history of first season success and then not being able to follow up on in the next couple of years. A very meh hiring, IMO.
  14. Oh yeah, I would have eradicated that in its entirety when I was young. If I had smoked a bowl, I would have killed the large. I'm too old for that much now.
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