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cafe society

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Everything posted by cafe society

  1. Ignorant little twat. We're not minions, we're familiars.
  2. That was always a terrible fit. I've heard the people on here who claim to know that Harsin is an awful person, but I also do know that Auburn and its decision-makers and influencers are comprised of obsessed nut cases and southern mafia. Harsin should probably head back NW and find a gig that allows him to coach and keep a low profile with his people.
  3. I believe I was first introduced to the adage "Adversity builds character" by Charlie Brown and Linus Van Pelt philosophizing at their brick wall.
  4. We can always count on you to reprise your role as the pivot man on the aggy circle jerk.
  5. Bama, FLA and other SEC not aggy have been stacking the court in Indianapolis for a decade. I don't know about UGA, but my guess is College Station doesn't have a bunch of allies at HQ.
  6. A&M. Always. Gets. Tripped. Up. Look at aggy DNA under a microscope and you'll see a banana peel or a loose shoe lace.
  7. I'm not one of those who questions your loyalty, but I do wonder if you and Satya have an alarming bar bet.
  8. Ordinarily, I too would be skeptical of the NCAA's enforcement inclination and power. But Jimbo - quite stupidly and hubris-fueled, IMO - basically dared Bama, UGA and anyone else to come at them. This reeks of vintage a&m arrogance born of idiocy in lieu of accomplishment. I have faith that what has always happened to dumbfuck aggy will repeat itself, as history.
  9. I think a lot of people think of it as recruiting kids to the University of Texas at Austin. I think the kids we're recruiting - for the larger part - think of it as being recruited to Steve Sarkisian. Quite the gulf of perception.
  10. Yeah, aggy cash don't mean shit to that family. They think big.
  11. Roach's "meal" could be 8 Allsups burritos and a large Mt Dew driving to Lubbock Negged for the image of that earthquake and its aftershocks.
  12. Or your average sports media member. The fact that they don't know the difference between bags and NIL leads me to conclude that they can't read, much less be in possession of any of the critical thinking skills God promised to goats.
  13. Sure Jimbo lies. But he inadvertently spoke the truth when he said their success has nothing to do with NIL. His paean to Petticoat Jonestown and the brave new maroon is utter horseshit of the horsiest order.
  14. Welker existed in a rarefied air with guys like Steve Largent and Wes Chandler. No one knows exactly how they managed to do what they did, but they are part of why we bring unicorns into contemporary discussions.
  15. I'm in the mood for burnt orange kool-aid, but I wouldn't assume these frosh are Larry Allen and Anthony Munoz on Day 1. We need substantial improvement from the guys already on campus.
  16. I guess neither Herm nor Antonio has a ranch where these things can be done sub rosa.
  17. I'm sure Jimbo said something about take this big bag now, because next year you may have to go the NIL route with no bag.
  18. That's because you're not regarded like Roach.
  19. That was UVA with Ralph Sampson, I believe. Well, shit, VR beat me to it.
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