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cafe society

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Everything posted by cafe society

  1. Krivacs may be the greatest outside shooter to play in Austin. Had he played with a 3 point line he would have averaged close to 40 points per game.
  2. You're not only stroking out to scuttlebutt but additionally extrapolating on it. We don't actually know for certain the machinations of the Patterson to Texas process. But which is it? CDC calling the shots on this when he was unceremoniously jettisoned from the coaching search/hire, right? But now the people who brought you Sark are stepping away and giving CDC the reins again? I call bullshit. It seems to me that if Patterson comes in and helps right the defense then programs will come calling for him. Sabotage would be a losing strategy for Patterson, IMO, and I bet he knows it.
  3. Shoulder. He could have rehabbed it without surgery but chose the operation so he would be ready to go when he got on campus.
  4. You're not the first to throw out this conspiracy level shit, but think about it. If the common wisdom regurgitated on this board is that CDC was removed from the head coaching search, do you really think those usurpers of the AD will allow him to pull something like this off? And if CDC's simple-mindedness is to be believed, then I seriously doubt he is capable of this sort of play. Everybody needs to recognize our Longhorn PTSD and calm down.
  5. Punch & Judy. Ren & Stimpy. CTJ & quigley. The rich heritage of the classics never dies, it just finds a new host.
  6. Not as good as Shane, which it is essentially a remake of. It's not at all bad, but not one of CE's best.
  7. Baseball is my favorite sport, but this is my favorite forum. Thanks to all of you partisans from all over our huge and great state for contributing to it and my enjoyment and knowledge. I grew up in the Metroplex (a looong time ago, received my bachelors from the 40 in 1982) and knew little of RGV sports or West Texas and just a smattering of East Texas (Longview would kick my high school's ass on the reg). On DFW, Houston and Austin I was knowledgeable, but even San Antonio was a bit of a mystery as far as football went. You all do yeoman's work here and I am very grateful.
  8. It seemed like our QBs panicked and ran into danger several times every game. Card v Arkie is especially memorable. But they were both guilty.
  9. Lancaster and Ryan wanted to kill Marvin on that shoot because he was drunk all the time and screwing shit up.
  10. Once Upon a Time in the West is Leone's best film and absolutely one of the ten best westerns ever. It's both elegiac and haunting. Morricone's best film score.
  11. It wouldn't be crazy for someone to include it, either. Criminally underappreciated. Many actors, confronted with their directorial debut, conform to a template that results in a facile, if pleasant, movie. Certain actors like Bill Paxton - RIP - eschewed ease and comfort as a director and made the hard choices, which is what TLJ did here.
  12. I sure as fuck would, James may or may not be a jag, but Tommy isn't. The last 12 years are a cold clamp around my heart and soul. Forgive the kids, fuck the father.
  13. I concur. Not sure why Caleb Williams wouldn't consider Gainesville, Napier seems to like dual threat QBs. You can tell Napier used his time as an assistant wisely and paid attention.
  14. Every recruit that is "hotly" contested between us and the gooners is required to do something in order to burn any bridges to Austin and fire up their fan base. Even recruits we didn't recruit or showed only a passing interest in sometimes do it. It's part of their slope-headed okie cosa nostra code.
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