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  1. 2025- All gas no brakes. It’s original and new.
  2. Go on please. I’ve re-sod yard three times in San Antonio and everything dies from heat. Have areas mixed shade and direct sun. I think last was centipede hybrid. Advice appreciated!
  3. Sort of my point. They create hype by getting high profile visits but they are being used for leverage to get best payday at true destination. Glad Texas isn’t playing this game.
  4. When I look at the prospects list of possible schools they are interested in it appears A&M is the outlier listed among blue bloods or successful programs. So my theory is they are using A&M’s offer as leverage bid to negotiate with programs they are really interested in.
  5. Oh my caught up in a glory hole? Maybe the yell leader has braces? Yikes!
  6. Well that’s the conundrum. I’m getting sex from someone 26 years younger and no the expense is cheaper than being married. But yes she is still smarter than me.
  7. Man I don’t know anything but I date a millennial 26 years younger and her generation sucks. No work ethic and tries to tell me how to run my business having never worked, but she sucks well.
  8. There is an age limit on package? Like puzzles? I’m so old I might need them in a few years!
  9. This explains a lot about the lack of insight on this board. If y’all are 31yo you were wearing pull ups when we won our last NC? You missed a lot of football. I’m so old Greg Abbott was in my fraternity and was running the San Jacinto block. Holy shit I’m old.
  10. This is what I recall. Had a good Spring game. We just need to play him first 8 games.
  11. It was supposedly a list of demands to sign with the next school. I went back trying to find where I saw that. I Googled it and It was a screenshot of demands by Micah that was circulated by Tech fans after he entered the portal. I was mocking it in my post and I’m not sure if it was real in the first place.
  12. This is the guy that demanded a driver for practice and cars for family members. Guess the family will be disappointed to hear this.
  13. Where is best to post for Job networking? Im looking to hire for my housing non profit UT grad for development person.
  14. I struggle with this as well. He was rated higher than Banks out of high school!
  15. Holy shit reading this caused PTSD from nearly 47 years ago. I had forgotten about the legendary stories about playing Galveston Ball when I was at Clear Lake in the late 70’s. We were not in their district then, but our basketball team had a bad experience visiting them and I remember friends telling stories about tires being slashed and fearing for their safety leaving. Thanks for making me remember the bogey man.
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