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Certifiably Surly
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About ChukBuk

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  1. Some people on this board are almost deliberately dumbasses. I don't know how else to spell it. I'll try...U...R..Dumbasses. Okay, I failed. Maybe I'm a dumbass. We're winning. Often, derisively. Still, you're going to bitch and moan, because, well, you're a bitch. We're 10-1 in the "heralded SEC." yet that isn't enough. You know what? Just, go fuck yourself. Maybe then you'll be satisfied. But based on the posts I've read, probably not.
  2. Don't worry, if that happens most people on this thread will celebrate. It means Arch. Yay?
  3. Oh, no. Our defense must suck. We gave up 14 points to, arguably, the worst offense in the SEC!!! We gave up big pass plays of over 40 yards. Geez, I remember when our defense didn't suck. Oh, and it was against one of the worst teams in the SEC. Man, I guess that means our defense really, really sucks. Oh, shit, I guess our season is over because we thought our defense was good. Guess what? They actually suck, like really bad, like really hard. They gave up 14 points to a bad team. We should just shut down our football program. Nevermind that we won the game. That doesn't matter, because when UT wins we still lose...apparently.
  4. Is Quinn everything that we expected? No. How often is anything everything we expected? Never. He is a serviceable, above average QB. He has lapses, but he's still, contrary to belief, better than most options out there in college football. We continue to win, but people still bitch about QE. Again, is he the "dream QB?" No. But, he is the best chance we have at winning it all. Does it mean we will win it all? Absolutely not. People seem to forget the years of UT Football being bitches. We aren't bitches any more. Will Arch be better right now? Maybe, but not likely. And that is measured by, not only our own head coach's evaluation, but by decades of football analysis. This season is out of our hands. We can wring them all we want, but the fact still remains that everything we ever wanted from our program is right in front of us. We just have to take it, regardless of all of the chicken-shit bullshit I've seen on this board. And, no, I'm not a sunshine pusher. I'm just a fan, while critical of several game-time decisions, that tries to be optimistic about the trajectory of this program.
  5. I swear. People complain that we don't run the ball enough. We do, and people complain that we don't pass. The game was in hand. It has yet to be established that QE is, in fact injured. WE won the game. We ran the ball down KU's throats. We typically do that when the game is in hand. Why are your bitching about QE in the 2nd half? I swear, people just have to bitch. Not you specifically, but just in general.
  6. I rarely post, but most on this thread are insufferable idiots. We won the fucking game. Did we play perfect? Hell, no, but name me a team that played perfect this week or any other week. Take the win and end the Stockholm Syndrome from the last decade. It makes us look like a bunch of whiny bitches. For fucks sake.
  7. 38-31 Alabama over Texas. Ewers combines for 295 yards.
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