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Everything posted by Balcones

  1. Whoa! now we have a Judge involved.
  2. Ok. I don’t care how good the Arizon Diamondbacks are. If the Yankees call and make an offer, you take it.
  3. It happened 30 years ago before the Internet. So it’s all ok. Reynolds then went to work for Jessie Jackson Jr, who apparently can’t write. Reynolds continues to commit crimes and serve time until Hillary Clinton’s husband pardoned him.
  4. Who did he do this to? When? We need to make sure the authorities in that area bring charges.
  5. Dems voted him into congress after he was indicted for fucking a 16 year old. Not Internet forum support. Real votes.
  6. You mean the civil suit conviction? Haha. Yeah. Keep trying.
  7. Do any of the Mel Reynolds supporters have daughters? You are ok with this guy fucking your 16 year old daughter. Totally cool. Probably drugged your kid too. Fuck off with all that shit And then to have Bill Clinton grant him clemency? And pull the race card? So far, Gaetz is just missing the indictment, conviction, race card, and clemency/pardon to catch up with you Democrats. In August 1994, Reynolds was indicted for sexual assault and criminal sexual abuse for engaging in a sexual relationship with a 16-year-old campaign volunteer that began during the 1992 campaign.[2] He also faced charges of child pornography for asking the underage campaign worker to obtain "lewd photographs of another girl who was age 15" and obstruction of justice for convincing one of the girls involved to lie to authorities.[11] Despite the charges, he continued his campaign and was re-elected in November without opposition.[2] Reynolds initially denied the charges, which he claimed were racially motivated.
  8. Defending pedophiles. You are a sick man. Hilary Clinton’s husband granted that pedophile clemency in 2001. Sickos.
  9. I should have gone with Mel Reynolds. A known pedophile that Democrats voted into office. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mel_Reynolds In August 1994, Reynolds was indictedfor sexual assault and criminal sexual abuse for engaging in a sexual relationship with a 16-year-old campaign volunteer that began during the 1992 campaign.[2] He also faced charges of child pornography for asking the underage campaign worker to obtain "lewd photographs of another girl who was age 15" and obstruction of justice for convincing one of the girls involved to lie to authorities.[11] Despite the charges, he continued his campaign and was re-elected in November without opposition.[2] Reynolds initially denied the charges, which he claimed were racially motivated.
  10. These are the 3 most ethically challenged congressmen I could come up with. Them judging Gaetz is quite the irony. is Ken Calvert, black?
  11. I’m a big fan of Charlie Wilson. I doubt Gaetz will get a movie made for doing the same things Charlie did though.
  12. This has been investigated by the top law enforcement agency in the country and by the House. Both with unlimited budgets and with plenty of motivation to see this individual go down. If he “did it” he would be in jail. Especially with all of the evidence they claim (leak) to the media.
  13. Yes. The FBI already investigated and Biden DOJ didn’t bring any charges.
  14. So, he is in jail now?
  15. Huh? He was charged in 2005 and convicted in 2008.
  16. Carroll was awarded a sexual abuse win ~30 yrs ago after she claimed Trump raped her. She doesn’t even know when it happened. Blasey Ford doesn’t know the date, location or any details and she was given a day in court in Congress. But Gaetz is a pedophile with lots of witnesses.
  17. Then why is he not in jail? With that many witnesses, there is plenty to convict him.
  18. Who is accusing Gaetz of trafficking women and underage sex?
  19. Yea! The same group of people you claim are corrupt, liars, racists, etc…. That group, you now believe 100%. When the FBI investigated this, they didn’t find anything.
  20. I just wanted to know if he has been charged. Convicted would be next level. The best you have is an ethics report written by Jessie Jackson Jr, Ken Calvert and Maxine Waters?
  21. Has he been charged with any of your alleged crimes yet? Nope? Ok thanks.
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