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Everything posted by Balcones

  1. Tulo is new full time assistant and Huston Street is new pitching coach volunteer. Let’s do this!
  2. I really hope we have 3 guys more dominant than Gordon. I like the guy, but he is bull pen at best.
  3. Wow. What a resume. I hope Allen is leading with these examples on the recruiting trail. What the fuck? Olivarez is in Sean Allen’s pitching resume? Stevens is a Sean Allen prize product in one post but regressed in another post? Southard? He is only getting drafted based on what his parents gave him physically. I know you are are going to defend Allen for whatever reason. But, Pierce dumps Haig, gets Tulo and says, let’s make my third base, offense coach be the pitching coach for Texas. WTF? obviously we are great at fielding and hitting. That part is in place and clearly we have a track record. Pierce needs to go get the best pitching coach in the country and our pitching staff needs to look like 2005-2015 Texas teams.
  4. Sean Allen was our 3rd base coach. Then they had a great idea to turn him into a pitching coach. My point is we have had Frank Anderson, Burt Hooton, Skip Johnson as pitching coaches. We should have the best here.
  5. No. I won’t give you a break. Frank Anderson and Skip Johnson are in a different league than Sean.
  6. If you are him, do you want Sean Allen as your pitching coach? Honest question in the day/age of transfers.
  7. I think we are getting the Hawaiian kid from Kansas for SS.
  8. Those 4 balls looked a lot like 4 strikes.
  9. What is the deal here? I’ve seen a few games where they do this. Just throw lobs in by some non-pitcher. Is it just to get the game over with? Is this a new thing?
  10. Can we talk about this more? What is best way to get tickets?
  11. I am going to get stuck with aggy or arkansas in my hotel. Im going to program bail bondsman in my phone.
  12. I booked Hilton Garden Inn downtown. Where is team staying?
  13. With a 4-0 lead, and Tristen with 2 warmups already, does Pierce go a different direction?
  14. Did you watch the Rice, LSU, Bama, USCe, ICW games? He was nails.
  15. Duplatier was due for a HR and so is Melendez.
  16. Lot of sad sheet rockers out in right field.
  17. Weak teams lose a lot on the road. This team loses a lot on the road.
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