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Everything posted by Balcones

  1. https://twitter.com/texasbaseball/status/1478864190534258699?s=21 Alumni Game info has been announced. Feb 5th.
  2. Is episode 4 called “The Road West”? I just downloaded it.
  3. Sounds brutal. Just get the credit card.
  4. No. He didn’t mention needing to create more turnovers, eliminating the big play, or stopping the run.
  5. The indictment lists Peled as a former member of the Israeli Defense Forces, and the owner of Speartip Security, a security services company based in Austin. Brockway, the indictment says, is a former U.S. Marine. He also owns a security company, Ink Force LLC. Carey was also a former Marine and contractor for security companies within the private sector. Recent Google reviews for Speartip Security appeared to show reviews from Erik Maund and Brockway. A review under the name Erik Maund from Tuesday, Dec. 7, read, "Speartip is very professional and on top of it. They get the job done in an expedited time. Couldn't imagine using anyone else!!"
  6. Lincoln is taking the round about way to becoming Texas Tech next head coach. After he blows it at USC, Tech will be the logical spot.
  7. Oh. I thought a grand jury decides if charges are brought.
  8. A lawyer is not going to decide his fate. Laymen will.
  9. Shooter was really short. I’m guessing years of pent up anger in that shot.
  10. Something doesn’t smell right about her hair color.
  11. https://kfyo.com/kyle-carruth-talks-possible-lubbock-city-council-ban-of-firearms-video/ Thursday on The Chad Hasty Show, Kyle Carruth from Lubbock 2nd Amendment Coalition joined Chad in the KFYO studio to talk about the upcoming Lubbock City Council meeting where the possible ban of licensed carrying of firearms on and in city property will be a large part of the agenda. there is going to be a ton of information in the discovery phase of this lawsuit.
  12. So the move is if you kill someone (or get into any situation where you can be sued for damages) get a divorce after and make sure wife gets as much as possible? Then, when judgement comes you don’t lose as much? Doesn’t seem right.
  13. Ok. Does the widow get to go after 100% of the assets or just the shooters portion?
  14. The couple separated in July and William Kyle Carruth filed for divorce in September. The court documents were sealed when the divorce was finalized, on November 19. Both parties agreed to seal the divorce records and a judge determined the reasons were valid. According to the news reports, they were married at the time of shooting. My question is around liability and assets and how she will navigate it.
  15. Shooter is still married apparently. To an appointed judge in Lubbock (Anne-Marie Carruth). The widow is going to go on a money grab. Curious how that will look in both the civil cases (divorce and wrongful death (or whatever)). What side will Anne-Marie be on?
  16. Nice. We need more kids like this and less kids with baggage and drama.
  17. Balcones


    No. The line about sucking dick to get rich. Then Carter has the balls to ask Beth, “is that how you got rich?” So good.
  18. Looks like fingers are straight and off the trigger. those 4 rules have been ingrained in my brain. I would never trust someone telling me a gun was unloaded. Always inspect for yourself. Simple rules if you plan on dealing with firearms. Sorry it happened.
  19. You’ll be fine. Airport has tons of cars and there are really on 2-3 rental car companies. They each have a bunch on brands. I.e National, enterprise and Alamo are all one company.
  20. Treat every weapon as if it were loaded. Never point a weapon at anything you do not intend to shoot. Keep your finger straight and off the trigger until you’re ready to fire. Keep the weapon on “safe” until you intend to fire.
  21. What do you mean? They will probably get to play then #12-13 SMU near season end. I think they’ll be fine if they win out.
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