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Everything posted by Balcones

  1. Who do we pitch against Southern? Kub?
  2. We aren’t even the best RPI team in the regional. Wow.
  3. In that part of the country they also pronounce Garcia as gar-shuh. I can’t stand it.
  4. I take it that you aren’t worried about Kamron Fields throwing a no-hitter?
  5. Up to #3 in RPI passing TCU.
  6. Bring in Gieb to hit in the 9th? He is probably due.
  7. Is Melendez fast? No pinch runner for him?
  8. Is Mahomes as mobile as Buchelle? Maybe they’ll find ways to use Buchelles quickness and rotate him in in special situations.
  9. Does TCU have a giant toad in CF? Would be a good spot for post-series team huddle.
  10. Maybe work in and out with Daly. Daly has been a bit questionable on defense over the last month.
  11. Need to find Stehle a spot in the lineup.
  12. Loved that Antico stole 3d. Showed up that catcher.
  13. Currently #17 in RPI. Next couple weeks we *should stack up wins, but not really get SOS help. Will see that change over the last few weeks of season. Need to be sharp by then.
  14. That ball was a shot to the head.
  15. Aggy is steaming Stanford. Looks like they may be pretty legit this year.
  16. Swing was giving it way too much credit
  17. Wow! What an offensive shit show that part of the 4th inning.
  18. 7 strike outs through 3.1 innings? Record night maybe.
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