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Everything posted by Balcones

  1. Balcones

    Dive Bars

    You would enjoy the Park Cities Hilton bar.
  2. Balcones

    Below Deck

    Very true.
  3. It was a joke. He is not going to xfer anywhere. Why would he?
  4. Tinder date? baller.
  5. Balcones


    Had a tasty reuben from Other Side recently.
  6. No idea. I would think he's not satisfied with his ending while realizing that Casey has waited for his opportunity. It's somewhat unthinkable that he could go elsewhere but curious as to whether that thought would ever enter his mind. Russell Wilson left one starting gig for another. Maybe UNC? Play his guts out for Mack?
  7. aggys dont lie, cheat or opt out. US Military wont let them.
  8. Is there a worse stadium in Austin than Reeves? Terrible place to watch a game.
  9. Great stuff!
  10. RIP. Maybe Rich Beem can replace him?
  11. go for it!
  12. To where?
  13. Anyone recommend a private golf instructor for girls ages 6-7? Central Austin?
  14. Anyone here raise sheep?
  15. These never end well.
  16. This has to be killing their ski tourism. Are they still do this?
  17. The LSAT Trainer was a good resource for me.
  18. It gets old.
  19. Sorry. Trying to be positive.
  20. My Olathes turned 19 yesterday.
  21. RIP
  22. Alamo Bowl win bump? who is now CBing for Texas?
  23. Balcones


    Ratings will eventually slip and so will her titties.
  24. Wouldn't be a Texas facility without escalators.
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