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Everything posted by Superhero

  1. Heard that on NPR a few months ago... OB doctors and nurses are leaving states with strict abortion bans. I'd be interested in tracking the life expectancy between those living in red and blue states starting from now. I wager the people living in blue states live longer.
  2. /LeopardsAteMyFace subreddit is also good if this thread isn’t enough for you.
  3. Red Trolley FTW. 805 if I’m out doing yard work. But they probably get their hops from Europe, so prices may still go up. Wrong. A few of my friends have Glocks. It’s weird that previous versions of Glocks are permitted, but not newer versions.
  4. Did Sterling Cooper Draper Pryce come up with this? Because BRAVO!
  5. Must be very hungry chickens. On that note, I’m going to throw up the roast chicken I just had for dinner.
  6. Dude. She sounds HOT. Post pics. There are rules.
  7. I’m proud to announce the bathrooms (2 of ‘em) are fully renovated with Toto K300s on the cans. There is absolutely no reason to leave the house with a dirty butthole.
  8. Me to the kids: Hey guys, it’s 9:30. You need to turn off the TV and go to bed. Me to the wife: Why are you still watching TV with them? It’s time for them to go to bed. Wife: I told them at least 2 times to turn off the TV and they won’t listen. Me: You’re the adult in the room. You can turn off the TV yourself, but you’re just sitting there watching with them! *tone*
  9. I saw something like that under a bridge in LA. Homeless guy was walking, stopped, pulled down his sweats and started shitting on the sidewalk. He miraculously did not get any on his pants. That's the mark of someone who's done that before.
  10. Wrong. That would South Austin's mom's underwear.
  11. Looks like the "Fuck Yeah" partner knocked the paddle out of the punter's hand. Not saying he deserved to get knocked the fuck out, but it looked like a case of FAFO.
  12. Seriously. Are they fucking stupid? Who couldn't see this coming? I mean, geez, just look what he did in his first term. Muslim ban within the first month of assuming office, and he's trusted to be friendly to Arabs this time around? F.U.C.K.I.N.G. S.T.U.P.I.D.
  13. What are designer peanut butters? Call me uncultured, but give me a crunchy Jif peanut butter and jelly sandwich. Mix it up every once in a while and use honey instead of jelly.
  14. Yes they’re LED mirrors. I found them on Amazon. They have all sort of sizes. What’s cool now is most of them can change colors from warm to stark white.
  15. And a slight tangent to the renovation post above. The renovation went smoothly. My complaints on the finished product was the floors were higher than original so I need a different threshold; and I didn’t like where he put the towel ring… But I gotta tell you. If you’re a contractor, doesn’t matter how great you’re doing during construction, you need to finish STRONG. He insisted he didn’t need a dumpster after the demo work was done, and he’d just use my regular trash can. It worked okay until he left me 6 bags of trash - mainly packaging, styrofoam and the floor protection paper. I’m driving out to a landfill in a few minutes to get rid of all of it
  16. Completely changing topic, our renovation project is almost done. Just need some shower doors that’ll get here next week. The before… and after…
  17. Hmmm. Yup, let’s take that red pill and I’d marry someone who isn’t so serious all the time. I’m sure the kids will be just fine with their au pair and at boarding school.
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