I wonder if one of my direct reports (call him Zed) is on the autism scale or just has no self awareness.
During our weekly check-ins, I tell Zed again and again to work on 3 things... 1) communication with the team; 2) show up at the office unless there's something pressing at home; 3) get ahead of whatever's going on so he can manage the situation instead of being managed by the situation.
We had a proposal due last Wednesday. It was all hands on deck for the last push. Zed told me after our Monday check-in that needed to leave at 3PM to coach little league. Never mind the fact that the proposal due date was set a month ago.
I asked the project manager*** how Zed was doing. The PM says "I think he's doing okay". I dig into Zed's work, and he hadn't even started preparing for the meetings, and was going to wing it, "learn the project along the way". I sent Zed a text that night to say he needed to get his shit together.
The fucked up part is he argued back, saying he's the expert, and I should just let him do his thing. At this point, a lot of people are tired of Zed's shit, and no matter how much I tell him to work on this or that, he doesn't get it. I've started sending him emails documenting our conversations so he'll remember, and so I can give them to HR when the time comes.
*** Oh yeah, we're firing the project manager because he's a bumbling idiot who fooled ALL OF US during his interview.