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Everything posted by Superhero

  1. The sad truth is Ukraine is possibly on their 3rd army as well. War is a bitch on both nations. The good news is NATO is training new troops, and there is a concerted effort to supply / arm Ukraine. But how long will that material help last? Or will Poland get involved in a shooting war thus dragging NATO in as well? Sorry for being so bleak on a Thursday morning.
  2. Is it a dragon / dinosaur? Or a dog?
  3. Serious questions. Other than a DL and credit card, what else do you carry? DL Credit card ____ ____ ____ ____ I've carried my medical insurance card since 2016 when I started having seizures. But otherwise I don't see the purpose of carrying anything else.
  4. We've had packages show up everyday for almost 2 weeks straight - clothes for the kids, her new snowboarding boots, snow stuff for the kids, 3 new pairs of shoes , new backpack, new computer bag... I just wish something would show up from Victoria's Secret, because at least I'll get to enjoy what she bought.
  5. I actually know exactly where that is. https://www.google.com/maps/@33.6799301,-117.7785339,3a,82.7y,349.08h,85.24t/data=!3m6!1e1!3m4!1s6WNqwE4TqKRHwNyk5lSZRw!2e0!7i16384!8i8192?entry=ttu A Sherwin Williams store and a bunch of good Asian restaurants. (Notice that none of the participants in the picture look like they are of Asian heritage, but chances are some Asian lady swerved, which caused the other 3 cars to collide).
  6. My grandmother is Japanese, and she never, ever, no way in hell would consider putting ice cream in mochi. If anything, she would put azuki bean paste inside. Or just plain mochi crusted with ground peanuts and sugar. She would also make it savory, in a soup, or deep fry it. But mochi ice cream? It's the work of the white devil.
  7. Several people I know have failed upwards since I first knew them. One guy used to work in my company. He was pretty... incompetent. He sent me an email inviting me to a Rams game... his title at his company? Division Manager. The other guy I knew was laid off during Covid. He wanted to interview with my company, but we declined because... companies usually lay off the deadweight first. I saw him recently at a work event, and he's now is Senior VP at a food service equipment company. Not sure what kinda dough a SVP at a small company makes, but probably more than me. Maybe I should fuck up more at my job and get promoted to CEO.
  8. One of my computer mice has a button (by my thumb) that gets you back to the previous web page. Really useful and should be standard on all mice going forward.
  9. Do the flat HD antennae that you put on a window work well? Sucks that I try to watch NETWORK TV show on a Roku, and they ask for a cable provider.
  10. Or climbing on the couch to put the elves (yes multiple - a boy AND girl elf) onto a high window sill.
  11. 3 Habsburg brothers / cousins after the same girl? Imagine the family reunions if she marries one of them.
  12. Ridge hard case with my DL, credit card and insurance card. Minimal to no cash. Other random gift card in my card held together with a binder clip. Other CC and debit card stays at home because who needs other cards?
  13. I’m sure she had a good father figure around while growing up… I mean the mom probably wasn’t the one teaching her about guns… or maybe it was the mom not teaching good trigger discipline.
  14. Need one with a bottle of vodka that wears a crown instead of a cap.
  15. WTF is wrong with her hips and thighs? WNB … with the lights on.
  16. Sorry to hear that Brat. Some people just suck and need to... reconsider their life choices. Slight tangent. How do dress makers / shops ever think it's acceptable to charge $2000 for a dress? My wife spent $400 for a simple mermaid dress without frills and I thought it was a ripoff.
  17. As of 6:45 PST, it’s about 120 down, 25 up. It varies quite a bit, but always fast enough for us watching movie, YouTube and playing video game at the same time. There are times when it’s 40 down and 90 up. Really varies. My wife has T-Mobile for her phone, so we knew beforehand we would get good coverage (5 bars). Verizon also offers 5G service. It’s supposed to be faster than T-Mobile and more expensive. Edit: Latency is 13 ms.
  18. Not trivial. But since we switched to T-Mobile 5G Internet, we have not had service outages. 10000000x more reliable than cox.
  19. Yup, that looks about right for Irvine.
  20. When I scroll down on the mouse wheel and the screen scrolls up. Who are these animals who use it this way? And while we’re at it, I have my iPad plugged into my docking station so I can use the keyboard and mouse. The mouse scroll wheel is doing what I’m bitching about. Anyone know how to change fix it?
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