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Everything posted by Superhero

  1. Yup. I traveled 1 time with my BIL and his family. This is when their kids were 4 and 1... 4 carry-ons (one for each member the family); 3 backpacks, 1 diaper bag, 1 stroller, and 2 car seats. All the while my BIL's wife is holding their little one. Of course they couldn't handle it all so they asked my wife and I to take some of their stuff. For my family of 4 (my boy was also 1 at the time), we had 2 carry-ons and 2 backpacks. We were going to Hawaii for a week and pretty much just packed our swimsuits, underwear and toothbrushes.
  2. Looking for recs on a backpacking tent, sleeping pad and chair. I’m set on the sleeping bag (REI Magma 30) but need everything else. My daughter and I have “graduated” from the Adventure Princess program and are now doing “older” girl stuff. We didn’t make the recent backpacking trip (San Jacinto near Palm Springs) but will likely do as many trips as possible from here on out.p
  3. Put some barrel knobs and it’ll look just like my Tele.
  4. Rare whiskey / whisky prices have gone up several fold in the past few years. Bottles can fetch thousands of dollars now. Look for higher age Macallan, Pappy, Yamazaki, Hibiki, etc. Resist the urge to drink it, put it away for a few years, and as the demand for rare whiskies go up, sell for profit.
  5. Yeah. People with PRE-pay phones get notifications before anyone else. Get it? Get it? I’ll let myself out now.
  6. There were hundreds in my ceremony. I always pictured immigrants to be from Asia, the Middle East and Africa, but there were a lot of caucasians as well. I embarrassed that I looked at immigration the way dotard did. Anyway, it was cool seeing so many people pledging allegiance to the US probably for their first time. Where was this? The naturalization ceremony in LA was so packed that only the new Americans could attend. Friends and family had to stay outside. And yeah, it was pretty cool so many people were taking pictures with their families and celebrating their new home country.
  7. Too bad they don’t sell one of these Santas at Home Depot. On a slight tangent. When did Mariah Carey become… bigger?
  8. More from National Park Service twitter
  9. My BIL had/has health issues, so he's always looking for things to improve his health, from osteopathy, acupuncture, specialized chiropractic care... the list is long and distinguished. My wife listens and usually wants to try what he's doing, which often means $$$ wasted. His most recent discovery is working out on special machines that are tailored EXACTLY for the person. Every workout requires a technician there, doing body scans, adjusting the gear settings. Gym membership is only $350/month. Of course my wife wants to try it as well. Me: "Why do you always want to try what your brother is doing?" Her: I walked right into that one, especially since I know she's hypersensitive about me talking about her and her family. So imagine her reaction if she ever reads this. Haha. If I die, please clear my browsing history and the contents of nightstand bottom drawer.
  10. People who check their text messages on their Apple watch in the middle of meetings. Bet you wouldn't pick up your phone to check your text message, so why is it okay to check it on your phone?
  11. Damnit! In English please. Unless your name is Kevin, then the the animals well will suffer horrific deaths.
  12. People don’t seem to understand these are wild animals, and can tear you apart. Unless your name is Kevin, then the the animals well suffer horrific deaths.
  13. Fuckin’ hot air balloons. They look all serene and romantic, until you hover 200’ over a freeway for 40 minutes waiting for the winds to blow you over ever so slight and you land sideways in a dry river bed and struggle to help the old lady out of the basket while illegal immigrants who are camping under the bridge watch you and the hot air balloon company struggle to put the balloon onto a truck that 4-wheeled it to where you are because balloons are unpredictable AF.
  14. People who drive in others’ blind spots and just stay there. Either get in front, next to me, or somewhere I can see you properly and not have to rely on my car’s shitty blind spot.
  15. Online ad tracking is getting ridiculous.
  16. Have you seen how short Korean people are???
  17. Grocery store baggers that put everything into 2 bags weighing 45 pounds each and handing back 2 empty bags like they’re doing me a favor. It was never like this until the past 6 months. Maybe I should ask to speak to the manager.
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