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Everything posted by Superhero

  1. I was introduced to spikeball last month. Basic rule is you have 3 chances (like volleyball) to hit it into the net and make the other team miss. I played it 3 weeks in a row with a bunch of 40+ year old dads. It's like the youtube clip above, but about 1/4 speed, none of the acrobatics, people bent over gasping for air, and uncontrolled giggling.
  2. Happy little trees turning into a big pile of Benjamins.
  3. For whatever reason, we have a mini-bucket by our shower. The boy will sometimes shower in my bathroom and make “potions” - usually water and shampoo. Today he said: “Daddy I made you a potion that you can dump on yourself. It’s TOTALLY not infused with pee. Trust me.”
  4. There was some artwork that was pretty cool, but a lot of just stupid shit. Even worse was they sprayed a protective layer so it would be difficult to wash off. I thought these were funny though.
  5. All is this, but a good cappuccino is hard to beat. The same Karens are also the ones who order cocktails at bars. At the bar, I get beer, or drinks with 2 ingredients max - gin & tonic; martini with an olive.
  6. We went camping with a bunch of dads and boys over the weekend. On Saturday, we went rock climbing at a local’ish waterfall. Only 4 people made it to the top - 3 dads with fairly recent climbing experience and my 8 YO son. He climbed it twice and crushed it both times. For perspective, we were climbing on the left side of the photo. You can see the 3 dads setting the ropes.
  7. When it rains while you’re taking down your tent. 2 weekends in a row. Had to pitch the tent again after I get home to let it dry.
  8. As if Ruzzians need more motivation to start sniffing glue.
  9. I’ll give you three-fiddy for it.
  10. If my wife ever wants a Mercedes, I’ll know where to go.
  11. My Tele outlasted many other guitars. It does everything but country because the bridge pickup is all rock no twang.
  12. Yeah, but I bet you're taller than 5'-8".
  13. I actually like dancing... We took some classes before the wedding. I like to boogie at weddings and may have gone low low low low low low low low at the last company party. We used to have dance parties with the kids on Sunday mornings. But line dancing? I draw the line.
  14. Yeah. We usually just get our own shit, but will tell the other person in advance if it’s a bigger purchase. We’ll (me) ask the other person to think about it, but have never said no. Apparently she got herself a Van Cleef necklace a few months ago, and would buy the earrings herself if I don’t get it for her. So we spend the money anyway and I get the brownie points And yeah, those earrings are expensive AF and aren’t worth the money. But she gets her shoes and jewelry. I get my guitar and camping gear.
  15. She belongs in the Woman over 40 that still got it thread.
  16. Somewhere along the way we must have had this debate. But if you are only allowed to have one guitar (oh the humanity), what would it be?
  17. Like how you imagine an Asian spinner wearing cowboy boots would look.
  18. Not so much a random thought, more like a random question... My 15th wedding anniversary is coming up next week. What should I get her? (Other than the plain ass $2,500 Van Cleef earrings that she really wants)
  19. My wife went to a line dancing class for the very first time last week. She got a pair of cowboy boots for the class tonight. Any excuse to buy a new pair of shoes.
  20. Made an appointment to get my car serviced. Get here by 7:45 they said. Angel will be your service manager they said. What they didn't say was Angel gets to work at 8AM.
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