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Everything posted by Superhero

  1. Did the Bohzi brand watch give it away?
  2. Con. Go! - this is acceptable. Can a dame - the me threw me off, and think this is bullshit. Pan. A Man - the extra n at the end threw me off, and I think this is equally bullshit.
  3. Forgot the link above... oh well. Here's a few that I'll sing in the car
  4. The Nazis made a mistake (thankfully) by not letting artillery and tanks loose in Dunkirk. Hopefully the AFU doesn't make the same mistake and shell the hell out of everyone on the beach.
  5. Maybe because I've been watching the Walking Dead lately, but shoulda used a sharped stick to poke him in the head.
  6. $1/oz? Is there a discount if I provide the labor to hand pump it?
  7. Sheep telling the Aggy shepherd enough is enough.
  8. What company do I can avoid buying that stock.
  9. At what point is it going to turn into a Weekend at Bernie’s with her staff waving her arm during a senate vote?
  10. We’re in Toronto on vacation. We spent yesterday afternoon on Center Island canoeing and biking along the beach. We rode through a small community with cute cottages. My daughter pointed out the homes she liked. She likes art and has built some cool homes in Minecraft. I hope one day she’ll go into architecture.
  11. We haven’t stayed at a place < $400/night since… I don’t remember. Wife likes the expensive places (recall my $400 hotel and $120 breakfast). Hopefully the clientele are a step above someone staying at a Motel 6. You can pry a Diet Coke from my dead cold fingers.
  12. Bet you like your sweaty foot wine just fine.
  13. Zoltar predicts Yandez’s cofounder will accidentally fall down the stairs or out a window in the next week. Biden showing compassion and true leadership for the rest of the world to follow.
  14. Sometimes. But usually yes if there are showers. If the campsite doesn’t have running water, we’ll just wipe down at the end of the day so we don’t get the sleeping bags too dirty. The pump shampoo and body wash bottles are usually mounted about 4’ to 5’ high. Unless someone has a super strong bladder, chances are the bottles are pee free.
  15. Cop is clearly racist. I go camping about 6 times per year and have mastered the same skill.
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