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Real Papi

Certifiably Surly
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1163 Surly 10%

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  1. Ducks showing a pulse now play done defense and wear osu down.
  2. I’ll give the RN credit but fixed this for him. First team to win all 6 NY bowl games.
  3. Oregon getting outclassed in every phase of the game. Put up a little fight, most overrated undefeated team ever.
  4. This team is gonna give me a heart attack. Such a talented team but the bonehead plays drive me nuts. Hats off to ASU, you can dog the ASU RB but he is a baller. Live to fight another day. Let’s go TEXAS!
  5. What a great drive to win the game. Auburn just can’t get it done. Horrible way to lose the game.
  6. They are going to call targeting. Please no, but don’t feel good about it
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