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Sarks Personal Bartender

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  1. Did the Niners already cut him?
  2. Is there really a person in the world named Ben Baby? lmfao
  3. I watched that yesterday! Wish Malik was a little more outspoken, a lot of the dialogue I couldn’t hear or understand. Still cool as hell though!
  4. Cool interview! Nice to hear about the visits
  5. There’s only so many Chinook Seedery sponsorships to go around.
  6. GOT HIM https://twitter.com/cantstopbill__/status/1541859326981275648?s=21&t=MhMEgYZPCDEc45nU-OiP_w
  7. He gets a pass, Twitter blue didn’t exist yet.
  8. Man that barbecue must have really sucked as bad as it looked.
  9. I never want to see a dumbass Facebook comment about not recruiting the trenches again holy fucking shit
  10. JESUS FUCK! I thought they were done for the day lmfao
  11. LOL this is embarrassing.
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